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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Where is your compassion? If he is innocent, he should not be subject to capital punishment regardless of a conviction. If there is enough potential to preclude capital punishment, then he should not be in jail either. Let him go.
  2. Can't do that. Innocent until proven guilty, then still not quite guilty enough to risk capital punishment. He could still be innocent. Even after conviction he could still be innocent. In fact, since there is still a chance that he is innocent, he should be let out of jail and allowed to freely walk throughout society without risk of persecution by his fellow members of society. It is better to let 100 guilty men go free, than to imprision one innocent man.
  3. It depends on the athlete. Some are sincere, others are bastards.
  4. Noble concept, but pleeeaase. We spend so much time trying to insulate kids from everything bad, but do not prepare them for when they get out in the real world where things are not so controlled. Purple pens instead of red, because red could hurt the child's feelings. Eliminating spelling tests in some schools because there are only right and wrong answers, and it could hurt the kid's feelings to be told that their answer was <gasp> wrong. Teaching kids to be better people is fine, but I am not going to pay for the therapy bills when they enter the real world and things do not go the way they want and they do not know how to handle it.
  5. Kent Hull for the Pro Football HOF in 2006!!
  6. A little OT, but you might want to update your sig. Hull did not make the cut this year.
  7. If true, it is nice to see. JP and the Bills need to take the plunge at some point, and next season is as good a time as any. JP is going to make mistakes. He is going to look like a rookie qb (since he is). It will be painful at times, but he needs to get time in game situations, where he actually controls the outcome (garbage time does not count). The Bills need to concentrate on O-line this offseason to make sure that JP is protected. Having Willis help with blitz blocking will be a benefit, since he is better than Travis at this. I like this, if true.
  8. You are being too kind.
  9. How about Jack Kemp? He and Gannon are the same age, aren't they? Seriously...no.
  10. I didn't say it was right. I was just posing a question. Touchy, aren't we?
  11. Again, as mentioned previously, QB's cannot be judged by rings alone. You would be inducting Rypien and Hoestettler over Kelly and Marino in the HOF.
  12. Is it possible that they rarely went to bars due to the smoking, and that now that the ban is in place they are now frequenting these places?
  13. I disagree. Brady is better than Manning. Manning put up some great stats, but it takes more than stats to win, as proven by his playoff performances.
  14. Jim Brown and Barry Sanders have not won Super Bowls. There is a very good chance that Dillon will win one this year. Therefore, Brown and Sanders cannot carry Dillon's jock.
  15. There is no problem that can't be solved by just increasing taxes.
  16. You can't judge a QB by the number of rings they have. If that is the case, you need to keep Kelly and Marino out of the HOF to make room for Jeff Hoestettler and Mark Rypien.
  17. He tried to rush back, resulting in setbacks in his recovery. The injury is now taking longer to heal.
  18. I may be giving him a little too much credit, but even TO is not that stupid, to jeopardize his health before a Super Bowl. His did some dumb things, which set back his recovery timetable or he would have been playing this week.
  19. Sammy Baugh Bobby Layne Bart Starr
  20. Unless he does something absolutely stupid over the next 2 weeks, he will play.
  21. Yeah, that Graham guy was OK. 10 seasons - 10 Championship games, winning seven of them. Like Darin said, pro football started before 1980.
  22. My mother-in-law is a HUGE Iggles fan. My wife and I are going to wish her good luck, then root for the Pats. We will then call up my mom-in-law, and console her after the Iggles lose the SB. No hurt feelings among family.
  23. Just tell him "hey, you are used to not being in Super Bowls, so enjoy the fact that you actually made it this year instead of choking like they usually do in conference championship games." It should help your cause with dad-in-law.
  24. I used Dells at me previous job. Never a problem. Those laptops took a beating, and they logged some serious miles and never failed. When my wife was looking for a laptop, I made sure she got a Dell.
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