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Everything posted by KRC

  1. I agree with you regarding the dumpster issue. He should have said, "listen Kristen, you and I both know that the dumpster is needed so we will order it now since we are under a time crunch. While we are waiting for it to arrive we can sit down and discuss the budget and how we will appropriate the rest of the funds. There is no need to put EVERYTHING off until after the budget meeting since we know that the dumpster is needed regardless of the paths we take in tis task." Kristen gets her budget talk, the dumpster is ordered, and the rest of the team knows that ideas will be listened to but there is someone in charge who will make the final decisions.
  2. 1 hour, unless I decide to take more. As long as I put in at least an 8 hour day, my lunch could be 3 hours long if I desire.
  3. ...but you haven't educated us with your vast worldy experience that you learned in textbooks.
  4. Quagmire? Anyone? Quagmire? How about exit strategy? No mention of exit strategy. Let's see, what is another soundbite I can toss in here...Ooooh This is another Vietnam!!!!
  5. Thanks for that mental image.
  6. He has a habit of doing that, doesn't he?
  7. Who the hell let you back in here?
  8. You must be thinking of a different site.
  9. ...and these families taxes are going to be paying for that help.
  10. What the hell would you know about what is happening in Iraq?
  11. Is this another one of those "he has forgotten more about the subject than you will ever know" thingies?
  12. <said in best Monty Python voice> I'm not quite dead yet.
  13. A lot of people unfortunately do not look at it that way. They only think of themselves, not how their actions effect other people.
  14. I was reading a newspaper article this morning on the accident. The first several paragraphs were written in such a was as to imply that the crash was a result of enemy fire. It was not until about paragraph six or seven before they mentioned "the official cause of the accident is not known, but bad weather was reported to be in the area." That little tidbit of information should be a little farther up in the article, IMO.
  15. Not to rain on your parade, but how much do you think that a guy would pay for a service like this? Wouldn't that take away from money for BEER? As another poster mentioned, planning trips would be a good idea, but it would be tough if you do not live in those cities (Myrtle Beach, Vegas, etc.). What you need is to live in those cities, and advertise to other cities the "services" that you provide for them if they buy the package deal from you. THAT would work, but if you do not live in that city, I do not see it working on a large enough scale to run a business. Just think of the liability insurance you will need.
  16. Finally, someone is thinking clearly. Thank you.
  17. If guns were banned, those two people would still be alive. As I mentioned in the other thread, these two were tried, convicted and sentenced without due process. What the hell is happening to our country? Where is the compassion? This "crime" is not the fault of the people who died. We MUST not stop until we find someone or something else we can blame for this, before more innocent people like this are brutally killed.
  18. It had to do with Simon. SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO TAPED IT!!! There was a set of twins who auditioned. They were OK, but nothing special. Randy and Paula said yes to them, but Gene and Simon said no. Paula started complaining to Simon. They all agreed that one was better than the other, so Simon suggested that they be evaluated individually. They all agreed, and voted on each of the twins. Simon voted no for both, which sent Paula and Randy through the roof. They complained that voting individually was rendered useless since Simon voted no on each of them. It was a waste of time and Paula and Randy walked out.
  19. I am more of a Jesse Jackson kind of guy.
  20. Make sure Troy Vincent is on the field with him during practice.
  21. I am absolutely shocked at the lack of compassion of the neocons here. This guy has been tried, convicted and sentenced without hearing all of the evidence. He could be innocent, and you guys want the death penalty, which is very inhumane, BTW. Doesn't that make us just as bad, if not worse, than the ciminals themselves? Where is the compassion for this man? It is not his fault that this happened. There has to be someone or something else to blame for this.
  22. Innocent until proven guilty. He has not been convicted yet, as far as I know. Even if he is convicted, he could still be innocent because his lawyer may not be good enough to properly defend him. We need more compassion for people convicted of crimes. It's not their fault. There is always someone or something else to blame.
  23. You're not very good at this "witty retort" thingy, are you?
  24. I had you pegged as more of a Gremlin guy.
  25. Why would that one person be the one making all of the decisions? Do you think that it would be a dictatorship?
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