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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Nope. As Bill mentioned, they are not playing on campus. $20 is the lowest you will pay, plus $10 for parking.
  2. ...and I forgot to obsessively use the smilie.
  3. Yeah, I imagine Bush is sitting in the White House saying, "whew, it is a good thing that over 200,000 people were killed. It takes th epessure off of me."
  4. Anyone remember the disposable TI-99?
  5. The Odessey had a whopping 1K of memory for programming.
  6. Ahhh, Vic-20. Blast from the past. Anyone remember the Odessey? Competed against Atari.
  7. Upper level is $20. The lower level is $26.
  8. ...but...but...he's a moderate.
  9. Well, working for a defense contractor, that is the nature of the beast. The only way that will be solved, is for the government to spend even more money that it does now. If the CEO's give up some of their money and distribute it to the other workers, it still does not bring in the contracts. No contracts, no jobs.
  10. But yet, you thought it relevant enough to comment. Umm..Ok.
  11. The people who do not have it say, "give me some of what you have." The people who have it say, "why? I earned it. If you want it, earn it yourself."
  12. Well, if you expect it to be handed to you it will never happen. If you work for it, it can happen.
  13. I think it is the people complaining about people complaining about people complaining that Cheney did not dress the way that they wanted them to dress. Can you justify the attention this received by the Post? Here, I will make you feel better: it is all Rush's fault.
  14. What were those five people wearing?
  15. Teams are not focused on shutting down McNabb now?
  16. They already have two starting runningbacks, why would they need a third?
  17. I am referring to the Post story that was referenced in the original post. It was one of the lead stories on the Post website.
  18. Nice job.
  19. Let's hope they had the decency to shave their legs.
  20. The guards at Auschwitz wore thongs and miniskirts?
  21. I didn't thing so, but I wanted to check.
  22. You expected better commentary from him?
  23. I do not disagree with you. They purposely select these candidates for the potential drama that might ensue. Other more worthy candidates are not selected because they do not supply the "drama factor" necessary to make the show a success.
  24. We would make these other people look bad. The decisions some of these people make are absolutely mindboggling. I agree with you, must of the people on the show would never be hired in my company. As you mentioned, the lack of maturity, lack of discipline, the lack of organization, the lack of work ethic and the lack of essential people skills of some of these contestants is stunning.
  25. Some people are only happy when they can B word about something. Slow news day, perhaps?
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