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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Never had a Hoegaarden, huh? Too bad. You are missing out by drinking the colored water that is CL. Hoegaarden is very refreshing.
  2. It doesn't have to be a microbrew to be good. On a hot summer day you can fire up the grill, toss on some chicken and enjoy a nice Hoegaarden. Full of flavor but won't weigh you down like other beers. If I wanted a Coors light, I would just turn on the garden hose. Same thing. I actually like tasting my beer.
  3. There are more ties to terrorist activities than you listed, but what is the point? All of your other posts were ignored so it is pointless to try to add to it. <DING> Hot Pockets are done!! Mmmmmm...Ham and Cheeeeese...
  4. Not that this was directed at me, but it all depends on historical context of the matter along with current context. Without knowing what is happening at the time of the conflict, along with the historical context of the country in question along with potential regional implications there is no way one can answer your question, IMO.
  5. I agree with you regarding Hillary trying to move more towards the center. Over the last few months (don't have the links and don't remember the exact issues), I have seen reports of her position changing just enough to slowly move towards the center. Too drastic of a change would raise red flags, but subtle changes can work wonders as far as picking up votes. She is a savvy politician and she knows the effect this will have in future elections. While there is no decision on her running in 2008, she is definitely repositioning herself for a run. She will test the waters with these subtle changes, see how things evolve domestically and overseas before making any decision.
  6. Holy Hell, I missed that post. The stuff people come up with.
  7. The job of the weapons inspectors is not to search the country to find WMD. Their job was to go to the known sites (as per the declarations) of WMD research, production and storage and verify that they are no longer in use. They are also responsible for verifying that the weapons that were declared were destroyed. Anything above and beyond the declarations was not part of their job unless they happened to stumble upon it. The inspectors could come up clean, and Saddam could still have stuff going on and have stuff stored. Now tell me, with Saddam's PROVEN history of deception with the inspectors, what makes you think that he will suddenly comply and allow the inspectors to do their jobs unhindered? BTW, you left out North Korea out of your DNC talking points. "What about North Korea? If we attack Iraq, we should also attack North Korea." Other than that, you pretty well have the DNC talking points down. Well done in providing that summary for us.
  8. I am looking for you to explain the leap in lahjik to go from: "yet elite New York City sends the nationwide lowest percentage of Americans to the fight" to "no New Yorkers have died." You are complaining that I am ignoring "instead allowing" while you have no trouble dismissing "yet elite New York City sends the nationwide lowest percentage of Americans to the fight" in your argument. Nothing like bitching about not taking things in context of the entire post, while not taking things in context of the entire post.
  9. In your never-ending quest to try to be offended about something, please explain the following quote to me: "yet elite New York City sends the nationwide lowest percentage of Americans to the fight"
  10. Who was that? Did they tell you about it before I did?
  11. I see you changed your sig line. Nice job.
  12. So, you root for the fish at least twice a year?
  13. Didn't you know, the U.S. hand-picked the candidates on the ballot. They were not choosing Iraqi candidates, but nothing more than U.S. puppets disguised as Iraqi candidates.
  14. I am against the Iggles.
  15. I think that was the Japanese, wasn't it?
  16. Never said that they were forced into it.
  17. The schedule of a politician can be brutal. Hopefully, she is OK and was just tired.
  18. The amount of Milkbones can be enough to throw the dogs system off. There are others on the market that are a little better. I get Nutro for my pooch. Less of the crap in them. If you want to add fat into the diet, try oils mixed into the food. Salmon oil is a start. Brushing is a MUST!! I recommend this company, and here are a few products I use on my dog: Shedding Blade Pin and Bristle Brush
  19. I am not rooting for the Pats, but rooting against the Iggles.
  20. Diet plays a factor. If the diet is not balanced properly, then the dog can shed more. I have hesitations using any of the products typically associated with shedding. You probably will not like my suggestion, but regular brushing and proper diet are the best ways to deal with shedding, IMO.
  21. First, I do not think that Jeb will run in 2008. Second, I do not think that the American public would vote a third person named Bush into the White House. It has nothing to do with Bush II policies, but everything to do with the dynasty factor. As you mentioned, the only way for Jeb to get into the White House, is for the Democrats to completely botch up the election like they did last year.
  22. The links you provided do not address the point AKC was making in his post. Do you have the stats for the number of people who volunteered for military service, since that is the actual point AKC is arguing?
  23. That whole Bill of Rights thingy is outdated, anyway.
  24. No, say !@#$ neocons and oh yeah, democrats are bad too. That SEEMS TO make YOU a MODERATE in THE eyes of SOME here.
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