The job of the weapons inspectors is not to search the country to find WMD. Their job was to go to the known sites (as per the declarations) of WMD research, production and storage and verify that they are no longer in use. They are also responsible for verifying that the weapons that were declared were destroyed. Anything above and beyond the declarations was not part of their job unless they happened to stumble upon it.
The inspectors could come up clean, and Saddam could still have stuff going on and have stuff stored.
Now tell me, with Saddam's PROVEN history of deception with the inspectors, what makes you think that he will suddenly comply and allow the inspectors to do their jobs unhindered?
BTW, you left out North Korea out of your DNC talking points. "What about North Korea? If we attack Iraq, we should also attack North Korea." Other than that, you pretty well have the DNC talking points down. Well done in providing that summary for us.