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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Yeah, like we would believe that you would make a spelling mistake.
  2. ARE yOu SUre?
  3. See what? Can you provide a little more info?
  4. He probably still thinks that he would have a chance in 2008.
  5. Hey, there is only ONE communist on this board and it is me. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Seriously, try to get some sleep and rethink this. There is nothing I can add that has not already been said in this thread. It is obvious that you started reading the article with a bias and read things into it to support your bias. Here is a thought, how about posting the article so we can read exactly what you read. The Buffalo News is online, so the article should be easy to find.
  6. The election was to create an interim government who will be responsible for forming the type of government Iraq will operate under in the future. They are also responsible for writing the new constitution. THAT is why this election was important. You cannot have the government you suggested (the requirement for the US leaving) without this interim step.
  7. There is no question that Kim is still in charge. He has restructured his government to guarantee that he remains in charge. Older military folk have been replaced with the younger crowd, which gives Kim more loyal subjects in higher positions in the military. There will be no new regime unless Kim dies. He will not be pushed out.
  8. Looks like the BBC is a little slow, since this came out a while back. Even Kim changed his hair style in accordance with the new policy. It must have been one of those slow days for Kim and he dreamed this up.
  9. Possible facts?
  10. Thanks. Well, there are a lot of other people on this board who know a hell of a lot more about this stuff than me, but they are dismissed. It gets quite irritating seeing their POV's dismissed by the (yes tater, I am going to say it) Hot Pockets crowd who do not want to take the opportunity to just shut up for a minute and listen to what is being said and listen with an open mind. I have learned a HELL of a lot from these people, and they are drowned out by people whose only knowledge is what is spoon-fed to them by the mainstream media or politicians.
  11. Darin does have a point here. It is a little difficult to debate someone who regurgitates sound bites. Any mainstream news source (albeit TV, newspapers, internet) is going to be biased and is going to slant the news to gain the most readership/viewership. If you want to know what is truly going on in the world, you need to look outside of the mainstream press. Frankly, Darin cannot debate you on this, because you have not shown that you are: 1) willing to hear other POV’s 2) willing to listen with an open mind 3) have an honest debate without using the typical sound bites you get from the political parties. While I felt that the war was just, I did not support it for the reasons given by the administration. There were plenty of other reasons for going to war (violation of Resolution 687, repeated violations of subsequent resolutions which specifically state that Iraq is in violation of 687 including the terrorism clause, humanitarian reasons, etc). According to the Deulfer Report, the inspections were not working and the sanctions were not working. Implementation and enforcement of the no-fly zones was illegal. Other than military actions, what other solutions would you suggest when all of the other options failed?
  12. He does have a point there, Darin.
  13. Last I heard, it was raise taxes and cut benefits.
  14. Hey, we don't want your crap over there.
  15. Darin, he is just playing with you. There is no way that someone who has been around as long as stuck can be that oblivious to VA's posting style.
  16. I hear you!!! How dare he take away from two weeks of non-stories by talking about retirement. How selfish can one be by giving his team more time to plan for their future?
  17. Actually, the colder the beer, the less flavor it will have. To each his own, I guess.
  18. Actually, NCLB was Ted Kennedy's legislation. It was Bush's attempt at getting Democrats to work with him, by allowing Kennedy to write the bill and Bush would sign it if it passed Congress.
  19. Nope. No light beer for me.
  20. I love Chimay. All three are good, but like you said the blue (Grande Reserve) is the best.
  21. I live in Philly, and have not seen it but I will look out for it.
  22. Belgium. I have found it various places around the country and the world.
  23. Yup. It is considered one of the best beers in the world by most beer critics.
  24. Not warm, but slightly below room temperature to bring out the best flavors. Of course, you can drink CL and it wouldn't matter.
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