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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Maybe we should ban cars. If we didn't have cars, there would be no traffic crash victims.
  2. That was funny. My wife didn't get it (she's not from Buffalo).
  3. What's the over/under on when Yovanovitch brings out the waterworks for the cameras?
  4. Thanks for saving me the time.
  5. You make a bad decision, it is your fault. Nobody else is at fault for you making a bad decision. Why should every responsible person have to pay so that others can get a free ride from their bad decisions? You want that Ph.D. in 16th Century Gender Studies of Rural South America from Harvard, go for it. Don't make me pay for it. If an 18-year old is intelligent and responsible enough to go to war for our country or to vote, they are responsible enough to do simple math. If I go bankrupt because I took out a $250k loan for a degree that will pay me $30k, that is my fault for being a dumbass. People are always looking for someone else to blame for their failures. Stop coddling people and stop making me pay for other's bad decisions. What's the point of being responsible if I know that I can get others to bail me out every time? Or give tax cuts. ? But I am guessing that the people who are advocating for student loan "forgiveness" are the same ones who are pushing to increase taxes.
  6. Normally, you would get TOC or Busey to refute it "because...shut up," but you had too many multisyllabic words. You need to dumb it down.
  7. So...Congress needs to do their job? Interesting concept.
  8. How do you think I paid for my student loans?
  9. Just don't eat a damn sammich while waiting for the train: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/man-cuffed-for-eating-sandwich-on-train-platform-gets-an-apology/ar-BBWBDWu?ocid=spartanntp You could drop crumbs on the platform and cleanliness is important!!
  10. Does that mean we can't draw pictures of the WB, either?
  11. Disagree. People need to take responsibility for their actions, not blame others because they were not prevented from making bad decisions. Nobody repaid my loads. I paid them by working. I also worked to make sure that I minimized my loads. Nobody gave me anything. I worked for it. It took me longer to get through college, but I did not come out with massive debt that I could not afford. Why? Because I understood math. I also did not come out with massive debt after getting my Master's. Again, Math. The system is not to blame for people being irresponsible. It is the people who took out the loans.
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