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Everything posted by KRC

  1. I agree. Move ahead with it, regardless of whether Nancy sends them over. However, can he actually acquit in the Senate if no "charges" are formally sent to the Senate? Unless I am missing something, McConnell cannot complete the process until Nancy sends over the formal articles, correct?
  2. I saw on the Twitter today that people think that because Trump was impeached that he is not allowed to run for re-election. Between that and the people who think that he is now out of office, did anyone on the left pay attention in 4th grade civics class?
  3. Cut something else from the budget, just like everyone else does.
  4. If you cannot get your azz to the polling place, why should you still be on the rolls? Re-register if you now decide that you want to participate in elections.
  5. Clinton's budget "surplus." Proof that you can manipulate the numbers any way you want to get the desired result.
  6. They would just cook the books to make it look balanced, but it really is not.
  7. Wouldn't that be obstruction of justice according to the Democrats' definition?
  8. Need to wait for more cameras to be present and people watching TV. The "show" needs an audience.
  9. Looks like this is devolving to partisan BS. Take that crap to another thread, you degenerates. ?
  10. I am a gun guy. I prefer the firing squad. I completely agree. Freedom is not free of pain. It is better than the alternative. I agree again. The legislative branch has spent too much time abdicating their responsibilities to the executive and judicial branches. The executive has too quickly overreached because the legislative branch has failed to do their jobs and they want to get their agenda through. Get proper checks and balances in place and do your damn job.
  11. Good post. I am going to focus on one of your points above. I absolutely agree. It should not be easy to spy on Americans. I know there is a downside in preventing mass shootings/terrorist attacks/etc. However, you should not be able to spy on American citizens without jumping through a crap-load of hoops. It needs to be far more difficult that it appears to be currently.
  12. Taking John Adams' lead, let talk about what we can do to fix the problems in our government. As the OP, I will set the ground rules . Without blaming a political party or any specific politician, how do we fix the systemic issues that have put us in the situation we are in right now? There have been obvious failures on multiple levels that never should have happened. Can it be fixed or are we too far gone? We are still waiting on Barr and Durham to see if any unelected officials will be held accountable. We still have the matter of elected official accountability which is also underway. Other than voting people out of office to handle the elected official problem, how do we address the unelected official part of the problem? What is the over/under on how fast someone will break the rules.
  13. Decent movie. Too long. It dragged at times.
  14. Anything written by Jeffrey J. Miller is worth the read: https://www.amazon.com/Jeffrey-J-Miller/e/B00O6Z017M/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 BTW, thanks for including my book. ?
  15. The media would never use financial records maliciously.
  16. You are probably correct. It would save face for Reps, as well as Dems in purple districts.
  17. They have already committed to impeaching him since he was elected, and the TDS-sufferers will not accept a mere censure. A censure would be a compromise that will appease the Dems not completely insane, but it would kill them with the TDS crowd.
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