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Everything posted by KRC

  1. No. She just knows that they need to wait until more boxes of votes "magically" appear well after the election.
  2. I disagree. It is a smaller target. If you miss, the bullet continues, ricochets, etc. Any military, law enforcement agency, etc. will train you to aim for center of mass. If you try to be cute, you will probably end up dead or end up killing someone else from the ricochet. Sorry Alf, but there is no way you would EVER train someone to shoot for the knees. Coming from a family of law enforcement, I definitely cannot agree.
  3. I will break this down into multiple segments to address your questions: E-commerce are better or the same as other industries. Other industries can be worse. I have seen warehouses that have no HVAC, working in intense heat (working conditions of 120 degrees or more) and filth. I have never seen that at e-commerce FC's/DC's, etc. For the type of job that it is, the conditions at e-commerce are pretty good. It is not an office job, so you cannot compare it to sitting at a desk at a perfect temperature, no noise and no dust. However, there is no need for regulation or unionization. There are plenty of e-commerce places to work, so if you do not like your job, go somewhere else. Just like any other industry. Nope. See above. I have a hard time believing everything he was saying. I am guessing things could have been better. That goes for every company as all are trying to figure things out on the fly. Outside of that, without being there during the issues he claimed, I cannot comment one way or another. A lot of he said/they said stuff going on, so it is tough to completely believe either side. I do not think that we are going to agree on government price controls, but I respect your opinion. Food may be an exception in dire circumstances, but I will not be on board with price floors for labor. You should be paid what the market demands for the skills you bring to the table. I think that is where we will see the most disagreement in our views. I am against the government intruding into the market. I am not against helping people improve their lives, but not an excuse to rely on the government to sustain you. Temporary help is all it should do. I am against UBI. I am on board with a stimulus when times are tough. I think we can agree on some items and disagree on others. Thanks as always for healthy discussion. I is a nice change to the destruction of the board from the useless trolls.
  4. Just so I understand your point, are you saying that police should be aiming for the knees?
  5. A good way to get their heads to explode.
  6. Looks good.
  7. Hate week was last week with the DNC convention. You need to update your calendar.
  8. After over three years of hate from the left, they NOW want to eliminate hate? Maybe people would take you more seriously if you were not so hateful. Just sayin'.
  9. Someone should tell the NAACP.
  10. I also agree that he should not stoop to the level of the Democrats.
  11. If you can protest in front of ANY building, you can vote in person.
  12. No. They have been forced to admit that it does actually exist. The narrative is that it is so miniscule that it would not have an impact on the election.
  13. Obviously, Slim does as he is extremely butthurt.
  14. There is no reason to single out Amazon for working conditions. As someone who has worked in fulfillment and distribution centers for Amazon and a bunch of others in the e-commerce space, Amazon is no different as far as working conditions. I am absolutely against this part of your post. The government should not selectively hinder certain industries. If you want to market to drive it, then the market drives it. Period.
  15. I am not sure if stalking is against the TOS, but it's sad how he follows you around. He even changed his screen name to be more like you.
  16. Technically, you can separate PPP from other boards in post counts, but like you said, this is just for fun and not worthy of the effort.
  17. You are only going to encourage the sock puppets to post more to hit the limit. Why do you hate us?
  18. I fall into that category, as well. I joined in 2002. However, I did lose a lot of posts with one of the Rosen's.
  19. Did her driver tell her to say that?
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