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Everything posted by KRC

  1. No need to stock millions of test kits.
  2. To be fair, there are not a lot of people going in and out of the country. Not saying that they are accurate in that there are no cases, just saying that when you have tight border security in and out, it makes it easier to contain any threats.
  3. Wifey went out to buy ammo last night. No issues with .40, .30 Carbine, and .223. She couldn't get 7.62x39, but that was because this place does not carry it.
  4. Did he go to the Mara Gay school of Math?
  5. I'll have to hit the places near me to see what is still available. I am guessing .30 Carbine may still be around, but may have more difficulty with .40 S&W and 7.62x39. I probably won't bother getting .223.
  6. Not surprising. My cousin in Houston works at a sporting goods store and says that there has been a run on guns. Speaking of ammo, I should probably stock up.
  7. During his second term, Trump really needs to work on his fascist skills.
  8. Amazing how that works.
  9. Get big government out of the way and things will move faster? Interesting. This should play well to the people who want big government to take over our healthcare.
  10. That's what they want you to think.
  11. I told you his clone would be appearing soon. Wake up Sheeple!!
  12. So NOW we care what evangelicals have to say?
  13. Following Hunter Biden's argument, we should refrain from releasing any financial records until after the election. We wouldn't want to make it political.
  14. I would guess that anything that helps clean sinus and respiratory tracts would be beneficial. Just like other general hygiene. Let me buy stock in it first, before you make an announcement.
  15. Stop picking on Joe's stuttering problem you heartless bastard!!
  16. Chelsea. She would skip the whole carpetbagging Senate or House run, and go straight to the number 2 spot setting her up for President.
  17. Looks like the stock market is not happy with Biden's wins last night. Down 779 right now.
  18. So, they cancel classes to prevent people from grouping together and spreading the virus, and the students decide to use that opportunity to group together independently.
  19. I am sure these same people loving Biden's comments to the voter also love the way Trump talks to people.
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