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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Translation: "I can't prove it, so I am just going to write gibberish as I run away."
  2. The point people are making is that when you say #BelieveAllWomen, it is hypocritical to then say #OnlyBelieveWomenBlamingRepublicans. But you knew that...
  3. If those were my choices, I would go NK, followed by WaPo, then CNN.
  4. Good points about the stats. They can be manipulated to support any opinion. Personally, I am pro 2A. I am a gun owner and I believe that before we make any new laws, we should focus on enforcing our existing laws. Oh, and my kale will take on your spinach any day.
  5. Update on the nursing home where my MIL and FIL are staying: Down to 137 patients. 9 Died. Now at 59 residents having the virus. 10 more are waiting on results. 8 are negative. 7 in the hospital with the virus.
  6. It is always the details that get forgotten. If they only remembered to put up the signs, those 16 people would still be alive.
  7. I am also diabetic. I am with you. That would be raysis.
  8. As well as an increase in fake hate crimes committed by the left.
  9. Thank you. Nobody but staff are allowed into the building. Deliveries are left outside the building and the receptionist goes out (in full gear) to get the packages and wipes them down. The staff are in gowns, masks, face shields and gloves. When they go into a patient's room, they put on a second gown over top of their first gown. As soon as they leave the room, they dispose of the second gown. The facility has Zoom meetings for families three times a week to give them updates. Positive vibes to your family that your father is able to stay safe.
  10. Your problem was that you asked her to consider someone else's opinion.
  11. You would think, but maybe people are taking extra precautions. My one neighbor is not. They regularly have people over. She is a hair dresser and I think that she is running a salon out of their house.
  12. UPDATE: Now 145 patients. 7 died and 7 are in the hospital. 10 have tested negative. 47 are infected with the virus. 7 are waiting on test results.
  13. My in-laws are in a nursing home in Chester County. In their last report to the families, they had 18 out of 162 patients infected, with 5 staff members infected.
  14. Or, just take it from the money tree outside of the Capital Building.
  15. 500% is a little light for everything. You did not mention student loan forgiveness. Taxing the top 1% at a 100% tax rate is not enough to pay for just that program. Now, add in free college and free everything else.
  16. Does Trump have $90 or so invested in Gilead? If not, it can be used. Otherwise, look for an alternative.
  17. I won't believe it until the WHO says it is true.
  18. Tax the rich!! It solves everything!!
  19. Wifey and I watched that several weeks back. A definite must-see. We are currently watching The Keepers on Netflix. It is about investigating the unsolved murder of a nun decades ago.
  20. I would say no based on his voting record. When you get into other views he has expressed, it would be a hard no.
  21. For those interested... https://media.business.illinois.edu/k/3160357c3a746b7c6b71 Consumer Behavior in the Global Marketplace in the Time of Coronavirus
  22. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/ocasio-cortez-its-legitimate-to-talk-about-allegations-against-biden/ar-BB12DoFB?ocid=spartanntp Pay particular attention to the Trigger Warning at the top of the page if you are a snowflake.
  23. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-first-march-without-school-shooting-since-2002-united-states/ So, the solution was to ban schools? Who knew?
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