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Everything posted by KRC

  1. People seem to have trouble with the concept of freedom of speech. First, they think that freedom of speech means that they can say whatever they want and they are immune to criticism, as if they are the only ones who have the freedom of speech. Wrong. You can say what you want to say and I can call you an idiot for saying it (and pay Tom the royalties). Next, people think that freedom of speech means that others should be forced to listen to their opinions. Wrong again. You can say what you want and I am free to ignore it. The ignore feature does not suppress free speech. Nobody is stopping people from saying what they want to say. However, free speech does not mean that people should be forced to listen to what is being said. You have a right to say it and I have a right to not listen to it. Finally, this is a site where you must abide by the ToS. You specifically state when you register that you will abide by the ToS. If you do not abide by it, SDS can refuse service to you. Just like any business. They set the rules for who receives service and can deny anyone at any time. You agree to the rules when you register, so people need to stop with the "You are suppressing my freedoms." bull####.
  2. I had the job before and was called a Nazi for not allowing that crap. Then, hypocritical mods would just undo everything I did and then turn around and do the exact same thing that they said I was wrong for doing.
  3. They are too busy leaving their skid marks on all of the other threads (or starting their own).
  4. Another excellent post.
  5. Nobody will force you to travel to testify, since we all know you are scared to travel...Unless it is for vacation, then you are fine.
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/politics/presiding-justice-rbg-officiates-family-friends-wedding/ar-BB18ySpv?ocid=uxbndlbing This just goes to show that if RBG can officiate a wedding after treatment for cancer at her age, there is no reason why you cannot vote in person. She is the definition of "at risk" with her age and her health issues.
  7. Gaspacho
  8. It does not matter. You are only arguing about who is in second place to Picard.
  9. Doesn't matter.
  10. Picard > Kirk. ?
  11. I knew that there was a reason why I liked you. Intelligent response!!
  12. I am thinking more Empire Strikes Back to the original Star Wars.
  13. It is unfortunate that the communists of the board just cannot help themselves.
  14. This is better than Nanker's thread. Discuss...
  15. Meh. This thread is OK. I bet I could start one that is better.
  16. I am sensing a theme in his posts. Not sure what it is, but I am getting a sense that he is sticking to a certain term in his responses.
  17. You mean that real life is not like TV? They should have just shot him in the hand if he brandished a knife. It works all the time in movies.
  18. Burning down cities is not an effective campaign strategy? Who knew?
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