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Posts posted by gflande1

  1. McKelvin was the one missing tackles, losing coverage, and fumbling twice. His poor play stuck like a sore thumb the entire game. Not just in the end.



    He's not the only one that made mistakes. I still feel its a overall coaching issue. The elite level of execution isnt there, and thats all on the coaching. From the weak training camps, conservative plays, etc


    The Bills should have never been in position they were in the final minutes of the fourth. I blame the defense for getting too conservative, especially against a team like the Pats. Saying that, coaching may have put them in the position to lose, McKelvin fumbling was the worst case scenario. He will take the blame, rightly so. I just dont agree with him getting all of it.

  2. Im only asking because Im not an expert, but why was Byrd just standing there while McKelvin was getting wrapped up before the fumble? Is that coached in case of a fumble? I would have been in there trying to help him get to the ground or push ahead. He just stood there and watched them pull the ball from McKelvin.

  3. I dont have a transcript and only caught a part of it...if someone heard it...I would be interested in what he said.


    From what I heard, he was saying that he wasnt sure if he could kneel it or not since it led him into the endzone. He thought it might have been a safety if he did. If he is confused, is that on him or is that coaching? Doesnt sound like he was told to bring it out...sounds like he wasnt sure what to do...not smart



    I dont agree with many that blame this loss on Mckelvin alone. Too many bad decisions, bad drive ending penalties, poor clock management, missed tackles. Mckelvin didnt lose this on his own, he didnt help, but this was a team loss.

  4. McKelvin f ucked up!!! But the Bills lost this as a team...too many drive ending penalties, too many missed tackles (Mckelvin had his share), bad clock management...the BILLS lost this game, not McKelvin.


    They got alot of breaks tonight and the Pats didnt play well in the first three quarters...sorry folks...the Bills werent as good as they looked tonight. The Pats played down to them. Dont fool yourself...there still the BILLS we love and hate

  5. Did we play well? or did the Pats play poorly for the first three quarters? I know we looked better than expected, but I think it was more of the Pats playing poorly than us playing well. Too many mistakes. Mistakes that can be corrected by good coaching, unfortunately its the bad coaching that allows those mistakes.

  6. Here's the deal. We're going to lose. Obviously, I don't want that, that's why I'm pissed. But its going to happen.


    If its close, then we just chalk it up to the pats continuing their usual drubbing of the lowly bills.


    If its a blowout, our front office will be exposed for the monkeys they are and we might actually see some movement.


    The talent level on this team hasn't been high enough to compete with playoff caliber teams for some time now.


    It's time for an awakening.



    How is it obvious? How in the hell can you think that? The score is 0-0 right now, isnt it? Or did the NFL give the Pats 30 points to start the game? Anything can happen. Go stick your head back into the toilet...you obviously have no Fu cking clue...


    One thing people keep forgetting is that Owens will be back for this game. I think it will change the offense and we will score on NE weak secondary. If we can manage to slow down their offense and keep Edwards standing, we have a chance. We always have a chance!



  7. How can you call yourself a fan and wish your team to get embarrassed? Are you 9 years old?????


    Do I think they have a chance? No, but I always hold out hope. Thats what we do...because we are fans. If people think we had a chance before we fired our inept OC and cut our mediocre 2nd string RB and below average LT. then they are crazy. Those three moves might be a cause for concern, but they are not the reason this season may go horribly wrong.


    GO BILLS....F UCK the HATERS!!!!

  8. Now that Turd is gone, do you see them bringing in an offensive coordinator to replace him? I understand that Alex will be doing the play calling, but I havent seen anything saying he has been promoted. If they bring someone in, who would you like to see?


    I wouldnt mind seeing Frank Reich (currently the Colts QB coach). He as familiarity with the no huddle (Bills and now Colts) and is a fan favorite. What do you think?

  9. Don't get your hopes up


    regardless of what Kelly says, Dick is here for the duration - no matter how bad the record is in 2009 -- unless Ralph is out of the picture.


    Dick is getting paid $6 mil for 3 years.


    Ralph wouldn't cut him loose because he had to eat $ 6mil in 2008 and won;t do it for $4 mil in 2009



    People fail to understand that Dick orchestrated one of the greatest collapses in NFL history, going 2-8 and trashing a sure playoff spot.


    Bills won;t have the luxury of a 5-1 start in 2009, so the overall record will be closer to an extrapolation of that 2-8 finish from last year.


    Remember- It's tough to win in the NFL" - especially if Dick is your HC


    I dont like defending Dick, but there is alot more to a football team than just a HC. The team played those games, not Jauron. I agree that he is a bad HC, but the players need to be held just as accountable if not more. His coaching didnt lose all of those games, it was a bad team that played poorly. You also have to remember that the 5-1 record came against poor teams, the 2-8 finish was against teams that were much better than us. I will admit that we would have probably won a couple of those games with better coaching, but it cant all be blamed on Jauron.


    If Dick was coaching the championship era team, they would have found a way to win. Its the team, not the coach that wins games. We have to admit that this is not an elite team. We need a new owner and a new philosophy. Getting rid of Dick and replacing him with another loser coach will show the same results.

  10. I just can't see that happening. Not again. I believe that if the Bills sh$t the bed again this year, and Jauron is canned, RW will have no choice but to bring in a proven winner.



    I wish what was true, but history has shown that he probably wont. Didnt we say the same thing after Williams and Mularkey?


    I hope we have a good season. I hate to say it, but a bad season just means we start rebuilding with a new GM and HC. I like the team we have. With a few more key players, I think we have a chance. I dont think this season is it, but it could be. I think another off season like we have had with a couple key pickups we will be in the hunt.

  11. I still think coaching is still our biggest weakness.


    As far as any position on the team, I need to see a couple games before I can say what our weaknesses are. I agree that we are improved on paper, but saying that WR is no longer a weakness because we got TO is a bit early if you ask me. The same goes with every other position.


    I think its going to be a long season, against some very tough competition.

  12. I didnt get to see that game live. I was at basic training and we werent allowed to watch tv. One of the guys had a radio in the other dorms and would update us with the score. I believe I was the only Bills fan. Anyway, I started to hear that the Bills were coming back and I didnt believe it. I thought it was a joke. It wasnt until later that week when I called home and found out.


    Thanks for the link. I watched all of the classic bills games on youtube this morning. Sure brings back some good memories.

  13. If you read this post first, don't bother reading this thread (it's a who's who of dipheads).


    The king of thd dipheads has spoken. :-)



    As far as there being nothing to do in Cortland, I just would like to remind you that Ithaca and Syracuse are not that far away.

  14. No, actually I was thinking of Ralph Wilson in the early 90's...you remember...the decade we made the playoffs in?


    How does what I said have anything to do with being a T.O. fan? Lets hope you don't read and write for a living. Fries with that?


    I remember the 90s, I actually had season tickets with my brother at the time. I've been a Bills fan since 1973.


    As far as the fry comment, I have done more and lived more in this lifetime than you ever will. With 17 years in the armed forces and two long deployments to Iraq, I have had my share of life. You made one of the worst analyis of the Bills off season, but Im the one who serves fries.


    As far as the TO comment, I noticed you became a member after Owens signed with the team. Thats where the comment came from. Guess I was just in a bad mood. Sorry...Owens fans are probably more knowledgable about the bills than you.

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