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Everything posted by gflande1

  1. Dear god, if you don’t let Picket be a turd on this drive, I promise I won’t drink as much tomorrow night.
  2. Well someone gets a little emotional when he’s had a lot to drink! Thank you for your service! It was seeing you guys on TV during those games that inspired me to join in 92. I missed that war, but got two deployments after 9/11. Go Bills
  3. First, I might be a little bourboned up right now, so please give me a little break I’ve been a Bills fan since the minute I was born in 1973. I remember watching games with my family, all gathered around a little TV. I remember hearing my mom say something along the lines of “the game is over, Furgusons head is down”. I remember Kelly getting drafted, but not coming, but then coming. I remember being at the Stadium when Beebe broke his leg. I remember seeing wide right while talking on the phone to my girlfriend (I was 16, I was confused where my priorities should be). I remember being in basic training during the greatest comeback ever, not knowing if the results were true, or if someone was was pulling a prank. I remember the disappointment of going four in a row. I remember the retirements, the trades…our team was gone. I remember the many rebuilds, the quarterbacks, the next Jim Kellys. I remember when Ralph died. I remember not knowing what’s next, was it going to be Trump or Bon Jovi? I remember Fitzmagic and all of the other undrafted. I remember Rex Ryan’s Pickup. I remember the unknown (to me) coach and GM from North Carolina. I remember the drought ending. I remember the Draft, the trade and the free agents. I remember knowing that our best days were coming. The Bills have been a part of me my whole life. Next to my family and military career, they have been the most important (I’ll be honest, on game days the most important, please don't tell my wife) Like all of you, Red and Blue courses through my veins. I love being a part of this community, because I know I am not alone, that this team is in my fibers just like you. I’m not just a fan, atleast not like the other teams fans, I don’t waiver, I don't stop watching during the tough times. Think how lucky we are right now. We are witnessing this franchise’s best days. We are witnessing a moment of greatness. We have waited so long, our moment is now. Enjoy these years ahead. Thank you all for letting me be a part of this community. Thank you for being a part of my family. And a huge thank you to SDS for giving life to this TBD community. It’s nice knowing I’m not alone. Go Bills!
  4. Also install a sprinkler system on their sideline and forget to change the timer.
  5. I honestly wouldn’t want them sending any picks. With his current contract, it’s a one year deal. We’d either have to let him walk or renegotiate a better deal. With the bills current cap situation, it’s likely they’ll have to let a few players leave after this season, which means we need every pick in the draft. The teams future is in the draft with all the big money contracts we have.
  6. Stupid going for 2
  7. I hate how Mahomes runs back to the sideline. Is he carrying something between his butt cheeks? Runs like it
  8. Finally a timeout. Wasted so much time
  9. Good to know. Appreciate your work finding that. I’ll definitely have my Fire up and running for future Thursday Prime games. Go Bills!
  10. I wonder if any scans he got tonight would show a recent concussion, or does it all look the same and can’t tell one from another? I’m surprised scans aren’t required after a player shows the neurological signs he displayed on Sunday.
  11. Always like how this guy explains injuries
  12. I can’t believe Tua is getting released already. He dodged a bullet there. They better not let him play anytime soon.
  13. It does look pretty spectacular tonight, so it very well could be. Amazon has done a great job so far, I have had no issues this season.
  14. Finally putting this game away.
  15. I have one in a drawer somewhere. Never liked it. Too prime centric. Just read that games are in 1080p, you sure you have it in 4K? The site I just read it quoted a Amazon spokesperson, they said 4k next year. Maybe something changed. I’ll look for it for next weeks game. Can’t wait till they have 4K as the standard
  16. Damn, I don’t have that! At least I don’t think so…is 4K exclusive the the fire sticks?
  17. Working great on my AppleTV
  18. It’s the alcohol. Happening to me too
  19. I just wish it was a Isotoner commercial (Marino reference for the youngsters on here), where he gives the gloves to the opposing defense…so when they grab his balls, their hands are soft.
  20. Love seeing Josh in a national commercial.
  21. I can see coaches and medical staff being influenced by a player, but their job is to protect the player, to include from themselves.
  22. I truly hope he will get through this with no long term issues. Ultimately it’s just a game, I don’t wish this for anyone.
  23. I don’t think fines have been announced yet. Allen is expecting he’ll get fined, and we haven’t heard anything on that yet. I think it’s usually Friday’s those come out.
  24. You’re right. My apologizes to Richie
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