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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Don't know why there have been so few medium range passes, that's been Allen strength.
  2. As much as I hate the Redskins, I'd love to see them win this division.
  3. But he certainly shouldn't be ahead of guys who scored 2000+ points in the league. Tasker was great at what he did, but what he did accounted for what, 10 yards of field position per game? How many games ever came down to Tasker covering a punt?
  4. Wondering if I should try the “but honey, I’m polyamorous!” line at home.
  5. Yup, completely serious. I'm guessing from the reaction that people have never tried it because they figure it's just some gubmint clusterfug, but I'm telling ya it works for me.
  6. And thank goodness. I was kicking myself for starting him over Cousins! Dak always comes through with the 300+. ??
  7. Because in big companies you don't reach the 'C-Suite' until you're 30 years into your career, and 30 years ago women/minorities didn't have the same opportunities they have today and in recent years. As a result the portion of C-Suite roles held by women is continually increasing. Has that really escaped your notice are you just being obtuse to make a point? Here's a link from Pew Research showing a bunch of charts of women participation in various govt/corp leadership roles. As the father of 3 young daughters, I'm thrilled to see all the lines all going from the bottom left to the upper right with most accelerating even more rapidly in the last few years. This evidence belies the bullsh-- political narrative that we're still living in the 1940s. https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/fact-sheet/the-data-on-women-leaders/
  8. Wow!! But what are the odds the other owners vote him down just so they can keep the Mets sucking forever?
  9. This isn't going to get any coverage. Just like it got virtually no coverage when the facts came out about what really happened that night.
  10. NBC "News"? Oh, they'd never mislead you to create a sensationalized soundbite! Missing could mean a bunch of things. I once reported a 'missing' FedEx and it was sitting on the stoop of my side door the whole time.
  11. I do like Papa. Also, Sean Mcdonough. Buffalo native Don Criqui was one of my all time favorites, especially for Notre Dame and AFC Central games. Keith Jackson and Verne Lundquist for SEC games. Lundquist also for golf. Never been a fan of any Alberts or Gumbels.
  12. Just came to add this. From a standpoint of accurately describing what was happening, I always thought he was right at the top. And for those who are annoyed by his exuberance on TV, check him out doing a game on radio. He is far and away the best radio play by play guy out there.
  13. Seriously, what the h--- is wrong the people on this board? Someone please shut this crap down.
  14. Ah yes, the good old days when the mere mention of Zimmerman’s name would send certain members of this board into frothing tirades! Little did they know what lay around the corner.
  15. Maybe so, but it's ridiculous that one can't actually say "his skin is dark" without people reverting into hysteria as though the Klan was riding through town. And yes, a man being suspended from his job because of his employer's fear of mob 'justice' is hysteria.
  16. Sad statement on our times that this is considered 'dumb to say' when it is a completely relevant and astute point.
  17. Which raises two important questions. 1) How much do you really want to pay for an inconsistent, injury prone guy to 'compete' for the #2 job (a job he has failed to secure in LA and KC btw)? 2) If you could sign him for what he's worth (very little), how happy do you think he'll be to play for a fraction of what he's being paid now, and having to compete with nobodies just a few years after being the big shot in town?
  18. I can't watch it because they parodied the worst Christmas song ever recorded.
  19. Ya know......I'm calling bullsh-- on the validity of this 'board'. If this was a white-boarding exercise where a group of FO guys where debating the QB rankings, where are all the circles and arrows and the generally big mess that is any whiteboard at the end of a long meeting where things are being discussed and debated? People in my company do a lot of white boarding and I've never seen this one look this neat and tidy. There would have been no point to simply writing down the names of a list that was already decided upon. Not to mention, white boards are almost always either erased immediately or labeled with "DO NOT ERASE". And, the "#12, 22, 53 ------------> Den #5" is just a little too obvious. Was that really the only trade scenario they envisioned?? Sorry, but this whole thread blows.
  20. Usually they knock regardless of which one is delivering, but not always. I assume it's up to the guy. I doubt failure to knock/ring is a fireable offense.
  21. Gee, who wouldn't want to bail on a young team/QB on the rise to go clean up someone else's mess?
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