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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Sounds like he's qualified to be President. Maybe we can we get him into the next debate. Yeah, I get it...don't sacrifice your marriage for the kids and don't let them turn into spoiled brats. Got it. The wife and I do one couples trip a year. Wish it was more often, but without any grandparents we do what we can and will make up for it when they head off to college. But ya know, if you need to have all your focus on your spouse (or your softball team, or your job, or your mountain biking club), than it's simple --- don't have kids. I know plenty of people who don't and it looks like they are having a great time. So don't be afraid to go that route. But if you do have kids, they are going to be a pretty central focus. That's the deal. The idea that kids are just going to sit there and speak only when spoken to isn't exactly realistic, nor is it how I want my kids to be raised. I want my kids to have the balls and the smarts to be ready to face the world and kick ass, and that needs to start young. And that's what's happening now because of the opportunities we can give them and the way they are being raised.
  2. For years my parents, sibs, inlaws and kids did an annual beach vacation and as there were six couples it was easy to each take a night to cook for the group. I recall one night my brother grilled up all this gorgeous salmon and swordfish for everyone, a fantastic meal. My sister's idiot (now ex) husband was then on the 'Atkins diet' and declared that he needed to eat something with more fat and protein, so while we all feasted on fresh grilled fish, corn, bread, salad, etc.., he made himself a plate of breakfast sausages covered in American cheese for dinner. We laugh about it to this day.
  3. Because he’s an insecure douchebag who still needs everyone to pay attention to him and still needs to play the ‘no one believes in me!’ card after a 20 year HOF career.
  4. Amazes me how many idiots jump on these fad diets where they only eat one thing.
  5. In case any progressives have forgotten their Biden history.... https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/11/biden-bankruptcy-president/
  6. She looks hotter all sweaty in the commercial.
  7. Yes. Aside from Lennon, all people could talk about was how ‘the game was decided by a coin flip’.
  8. Most of the time defensive TDs are the result of a fortunate bounce. If the strip sack against Dallas bounces up the right way, it’s a TD. If that weird sideways pass Jackson threw that was deflected pops up in the air it might be a TD. Point is, you can’t expect those things to happen, sometimes they just do. I’d much rather have a defense that consistently limits opponents from moving the ball than one that gets a few flukey TDs.
  9. Remember all the people who wanted the Bills to sign this jerk-off for huge money?
  10. Boy, what would the opposition party have left to run on! ?
  11. This is exactly right and what all the people screaming for a challenge were ignoring.
  12. Wow...you gotta be pretty bad to get banned by two of the most corrupt organizations on earth!
  13. Probably in fits and starts, the way most QBs have moved the ball on us. He won't put up 35 points, but people acting like they are never going to cross mid-field are dreaming. They have a defense that can keep Allen in check too, so the game will likely be decided by who can pull off a couple big plays, or who gets the big turnover, etc.
  14. In his defense, how could BB possibly anticipate NE would be on the wrong end of a bad call at a critical juncture of the game!
  15. Allen has improved significantly, but he hasn't yet learned how to deal with pressure. More and more teams will blitz him relentlessly until he learns. Hopefully that happens in year 3.
  16. And NE and Baltimore have demonstrated how to beat Allen if your defense has the horses, which Pittsburgh's does. I'd expect our defense to play well but they aren't going to shut out Pittsburgh at home. This game has 20-17 written all over it.
  17. Yup. Can't believe how many people here are overlooking Pittsburgh. This is a franchise that shows up for big games. You better believe they will be ready to play.
  18. I dunno....I have a hard time laying this on the coaches. I saw an OL get whipped repeatedly. And when they didn't, I saw Allen run out of clean pockets several times. I saw Allen miss open receivers. I saw dropped passes all over the field. At some point the players have to execute. You can't win a game from the sideline.
  19. Apparently they left 2018 Jared in the locker room at halftime. He's gonna blow this game.
  20. Jackson had a good game, nearly made a couple big mistakes but didn't. But yes, the Bills defense did an excellent job keeping him from running all over them as he's done to most teams. That's why the game came down to the final possession. The D earned a win today. Too bad the O couldn't hold up their end of the deal. As good as the D played, the O played even worse.
  21. Oh my goodness. LA rolling Seattle, Goff playing his best game in a year, aaaaaaand.....that was a very bad decision. Let's see if it costs LA.
  22. The worse thing Allen did today was constant bail out of the pocket when he didn't need to.
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