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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. At this point you hope he’s got someone in his ear telling him to just ride out his contract, go somewhere else as a backup, and hope to get a second shot as a starter down the road.
  2. “Many” died because of......what exactly? Please share the data you used to reach this very serious conclusion.
  3. Fact #1: Only the government can save us.
  4. Meanwhile in local news, Marin parents are aghast that some local high school students were discovered to be threatening their Jewish classmates online with anti-sematic statements. Workshops are quickly being scheduled, yet we all wonder how kids could be influenced to think and do such things in this day and age. Unrelated, just down the road in the big city, SFSU prepared to welcome convicted Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled with open arms, under the guise of 'academic freedom', until enough objections were raised that they finally had to back down and rescind the invite. https://www.jweekly.com/2020/09/21/s-f-state-president-on-why-hijackers-invite-is-protected-by-academic-freedom/
  5. It's pretty much the only thing missing at this point....
  6. I voted for all because I could. Also, they're all kinda true.
  7. Damn, beat me to it. Best line in the movie. p.s. Who does your taxes?
  8. That's fine, but Fangio is an idiot for further exposing his QB. You are playing a cheap-shot team who has already taken numerous cheap-shots throughout the game and is calling time outs in the last minute of a game that is over. WTF are you doing having your rookie QB drop back multiple times in the last few seconds?? What did you think the Jets would do?? Just take a knee and give the Jets the ball back.
  9. Schmoooooooozing under the covers!!!
  10. Final seconds proving that Gase is only the second stupidest head coach on the field tonight.
  11. LOL Jets....what a gigantic ***** show.
  12. C’mon Jets! We want be playing Gase-Darbold for years to come.
  13. Almost 5% of our SF office has moved away during the shutdown (still employed, just working remotely permanently). Interestingly, it's happening in our Champaign and Des Moines offices too. We're seeing a real reshuffling of where people live, and a change in business mindset about the need to all work together in a common office. I've already put one of our two floors in our downtown office on the sublease market...won't be any takers for a while but want to be ready if we have a short term rush to return before the new reality hits for good.
  14. No. But that's not obstruction of justice. No. You're really ok with any relative using your signature without your consent? No. Curious as to what penalty you think is appropriate for threatening judges.
  15. I came close while doing the gutters once; the ladder fell, I managed to stay on the roof. Classic case of letting the 'gotta get this done' mentality override the common sense of having a second person holding the ladder. That was the last gutter I ever cleaned...worth paying someone younger to do it now.
  16. You must have been reading TSW! As others have pointed out, the Bills have done exactly what you are supposed to do when you spend big capital on a new QB. Priority #1: Protect him with an OL (sign big FA Morse, draft Ford) so he doesn't end up like Andrew Luck. Priority #2: Get him some weapons (sign vets Brown/Beasley, big trade for Diggs when possible, draft RBs and WRs) Jets tried to do #2 first by signing Bell, but they failed to understand he was largely a product of Pittsburgh's system and OL so they wasted a ton of cap space on him. They still haven't figured out the OL.
  17. Maybe McD can figure out how to use them both.....J O-K does look very good for ND. He flies all over the field.
  18. Nothing beat Criqui and Trumpy doing an old school AFC game! Not often you can directly credit the crowd with causing a turnover, but they sure did in this case on the Elway fumble.
  19. Right decade and it was at the end of a movie, but not Real Genius (that song was Everybody Wants to Rule the World).
  20. Creeping up the blind side Shinning up the wall Stealing through the dark of night Climbing through a window Stepping to the floor Checking to the left and the right Picking up the pieces Putting them away Something doesn't feel quite right Help me someone, let me out of here Then out of the dark was suddenly heard Welcome to the home by the sea
  21. "With one look...."
  22. Do we have to do this every six months?
  23. I'm not planning to watch until later, but can actually hear the guy next door screaming at his TV so presume it's not going well for Early Stage Joe.
  24. I honestly thought this was going to be a proposal about rating moderators! I'm not a fan of the idea in general, but to answer the specific questions: 1. Individuals who start too many threads. 2. Abusive behavior - 3 Spam/Troll/Topic starter abuse/Generally inane posting - 2 Circumventing swear filter - 1 Everything else - 0 -It seems to me politics has been effectively handled for a long time. -I haven't seen an inappropriate avatar in years, seem like 90% would be caught at registration. -COVID: We have a closely monitored 'facts only' thread, so seems like we could have a 'COVID and football' thread that is a little more open. -Thread bumping isn't epidemic and can be effectively handled via thread locking/merging (which I think is a great way to keep the board clean). 3. Bans (esp long term/permanent bans) should be for spammers, trolls, and people who get WAY out of line, but not for stepping on someone's toes or one relatively harmless comment. 4. Yes, within a month or two. Idea should be to weed out repeat offenders and those folks tend to burn out quickly. 5. Yes, via trial by a jury of their peers. It could be fun.....we'll do it over on PPP. I'm getting excited just thinking about the Voir dire process.
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