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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. She realized that even here in CA there's a good chance she'd be booed at the game.
  2. Other than recency bias, on basis is she? Billie Jean King was historically more important to women's tennis. And now that you've made me google tennis records, I see that King won the same # of Grand Slam titles as Williams. Navratilova and Court both won many more. Even using the myopic view of only counting singles GS titles Williams is still 2d in that category. And she's only 8th in all time tournament wins, so not sure how all of that adds up to 'greatest'. In fact, I need to retract my prior comment about being the 'most accomplished' female tennis player as she clearly is not.
  3. I will never watch that game again, but realize if any of a dozen plays is changed even slightly, the narrative is the complete opposite and we’re talking about Kansas City. As Maxwell Smart said, “missed it by that much!”
  4. The Bills have a key building block at each level of the defense; Ed, Edmunds and Tre. Those are the guys you plan on paying and the guys you build around. No one else is worth big $. Either resign guys for reasonable deals or replace them.
  5. Funny how much she has in common with Brady. Of course, while they are both insufferable during the game, he is at least gracious in defeat afterward. And while they are both quite obviously the most successful of all time in their field, I wouldn't call either the 'greatest'.
  6. I just finished season 2 and am strongly considering changing my avatar to a pic of Roman.
  7. Serena Williams is the NE* of tennis....she'll cry and whine about every little thing and probably end up winning.
  8. Oh goodie....another Brady knob slobbering thread. Haven't had one of those in at least two days.
  9. This is the NFL doling out fines in an attempt to support terrible on field decisions by its refs.
  10. That’s the only Jerry Coleman I could come up with. Guy must have been a Yankee hater.
  11. I guess I shouldn't ask who Jerry Coleman is....or why someone would actually fly on an airplane to confront someone over a twitter. Sick, sad world!
  12. Boo. RIP
  13. Thanks for the explanation....that makes sense.
  14. I didn’t realize previous just how badly Singletary missed the block on that play.
  15. tanking
  16. Rats, I thought this was about Pinots and the OP just misspelled it.
  17. I'm a bitter fan who holds a grudge. I'd root for anyone except NE* against Houston this week.
  18. Man, those were some ***** show days....
  19. RIP Heaven Can Wait is very high on my football movies list....he was great both in front of and behind the camera.
  20. Proof he's conspiring with cold and flu germs.
  21. 3 years later and leftists are still so obsessed they count his sniffles? Hilarious.
  22. So you tapped it and then blew her off, huh?
  23. It was kinda like that time they gave the Oscar to the wrong movie and everyone ran out to try to fix it.
  24. It's pretty easy once you exclude all the ones for Miami, Dallas and NE*.
  25. In the old days I liked pranking work friends, but most of it no longer plays in this day and age. One time many years ago I sent myself a suggestive and inappropriate email from a female co-worker's computer. I then replied to her with something like 'I've told you this is inappropriate, blah, blah, blah' and I cc: ed the head of HR, only with a very slight typo in the email address so the cc: didn't actually go anywhere. Of course, my friend missed that detail and when she saw the reply went bombing down to HR to explain that it was just a joke. The head of HR had no idea what she was talking about. Lots of laughs ensued.
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