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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. That's the spirit!
  2. Swann might be the worst pick ever for the HOF. His numbers aren't good even compared to his contemporaries, never mind modern players. Hell, they don't look good compared to his teammate John Stallworth. Frank Gifford had more receiving yards than Swann and he played in the '50s....and was a running back! Swann is only in because the Steelers won 4 rings and he made a couple good catches in one of those games.
  3. Not so sure about that once you get beyond Bills fans. There's no particular play or game that sticks out as something fans would remember, no stats to look at, etc.
  4. I just fired a guy like that! This is a good template to follow on an interview:
  5. As an aside, love the 'frail old man with a walker' routine by Weinstein. Surprised he didn't go all the way and adopt the senile, mob boss bathrobe look.
  6. Kill it? Just think how property values will skyrocket in the next 11 years as Buffalo transforms into a tropical paradise!!! Clearly the time to buy real estate in Buffalo is right now.
  7. A board member (terrific guy) at one of my former companies had a long career in various senior exec roles at that company. Apparently, their culture had a lot of 'pop'. As a finance guy who now works for a sub under a large public company, I can tell you there is a lot of crap to shovel through. Fortunately we are the 'start up' arm, and although that means I have to manage two very different flavors of crap, at least I can generally escape the drudgery of big corporate. And yeah, hard to find a solid white guy in finance/accounting these days.
  8. Excellent call.....one of my top 3 football movies of all time. But this thread is making me sad for the inevitable post-SB blues.
  9. I was going to give that a ?, but was afraid I'd be struck by lightning.
  10. Aaaaand, boom goes the dynamite!
  11. Most important thing is to be around people who you like being around for 8+ hours a day, so meet as many people as possible.
  12. Same here....never quite understood the need to have a day off from work after enduring the strain of sitting on your sofa watching a football game until 10pm.
  13. Well, Bernie Bros, are you going to just sit there and take it? ADDED: . . Marginalizing Bernie and pissing off his diehards worked so well in 2016, they figured they’d do it again this time around.
  14. Shopping for new dining room furniture?
  15. Consoldences PTR. Yeah I'd be a little suspicious. This woman may be legit, but you and his other heirs need to quickly establish that this woman hasn't wormed into his financial dealings, moved into his house to establish residency, etc. I don't know a ton about it, but understand scamming seniors is a huge businesses. Probably worth a plane ticket to check things out.
  16. Let 'em keep Perriman and trade for Mike Evans!
  17. I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective. RIP
  18. Bono was on SF sports radio this morning when I was driving into work. Seems like a pretty sharp guy. For the record, he's rooting for the Niners. Of course, I didn't hear what he said on KC sports radio.
  19. Considering the situation, distance and margin for error, that is on the short list of candidates for best throw in NFL history. As for Namath, you have to recognize not only his impact on the critical era (NFL-AFL merger), but also his role as a pioneer in the early days of marketing via athletes. He was one of the guys who paved the way for OJ, Jordan, Woods, James, etc. in what today is a many billion dollar business. You can't tell the history of the NFL without Joe Willie.
  20. Isn't 3 about the average? In general, 3 games per week * 17 weeks * 2 teams is about a hundred open slots for 32 teams.
  21. The Eli haters are furious he won that last game against Miami so now they can't say he had a 'losing record'. Moon and Fouts were .500 QBs too, and neither of them won a Super Bowl, much less two.
  22. Fixed it for ya. Just draining the swamp here at PPP!
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