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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I need a glossary. Texas with the most predictable answer.
  2. Oh my goodness.....he's going to name Hitlery as VP and has agreed to let them kill him off! Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  3. You hate him now, trying moving to SF and suffer through him as a staple of the local post-game show.
  4. Looks a bit like him but he played for Maryland. btw, how have I missed this gem of a thread for the last two months? This is classic OTW stuff. And some of 4merper4mer's best work in years.
  5. Don't go Drew. You need to outlast Brady for all the records! Hard to believe they never made it back to the SB despite having six 11 win seasons (including three 13 win seasons!) since their title.
  6. Pretty solid list here. Lazy, ***** attitude, and/or paycheck players are always my least favorites, so Watkins and Dareus are most recent examples of guys I can't stand. Especially if they flourish elsewhere after they leave (which those two have not). That said, in retrospect, they should have paid Jason Peters! I can deal with incompetence (I'm a Bills fan after all) so long as it isn't a QB at the cost of multiple first round picks. Never had a problem with Flutie. He was >RJ.
  7. This actually motivated me to cancel my underused Hulu subscription so it won’t be me.
  8. Well, he’s a corrupt piece of *****, so yeah, I can see how he’d be a solid Dem candidate.
  9. ‘Horrified’ and ‘horrific’, invariably used by some idiot whining about some first world problem that isn’t remotely horrific.
  10. Not to downplay the seriousness, but saw this and thought it was funny.... This one too....
  11. Despite my local rooting interest, I think Reid and Mahomes get it done. KC 34-31
  12. Got a feeling inside (can't explain) It's a certain kind (can't explain) I feel hot and cold (can't explain) Yeah, down in my soul, yeah (can't explain) I said (can't explain) I'm feeling good now, yeah, but (can't explain) Dizzy in the head and I'm feeling blue The things you've said, well, maybe they're true I'm gettin' funny dreams again and again I know what it means, but
  13. Do the Chinese call that “wearing the pants” too?
  14. Just came across the replay. When did they outlaw tackling in this game?
  15. It's wasn't that foggy. Local LA TV was reporting on it live early on before they had any idea who was on board.
  16. And ABC reports 4 dead kids so they can 'break' the story. And people wonder why so many in this country have completely tuned out the major media outlets.
  17. But......if I apply your basketball logic, 98% of the college football players suck compared to the NFL so why bother? Yes, it's hard to beat the thrill of watching undefended guys essentially having a 3 point shooting contest and watching a handful of super teams pound overmatched opponents by 30 night after night. It's not hard to understand why the NBA now markets itself and its stars as though it was a Lifetime movie. It's more interesting for fans to argue about Durant's latest twitter than to actually discuss the game. Or ask why the stars that you tune in to see are increasingly spending a third of each game on the bench.
  18. It's sad how few Super Bowls I really want to relive. Cowboys? Steelers? NE*? Dolphins? Yuck
  19. Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields In sixty-five I was seventeen and running up one-on-one I don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running on Running on (running on empty) Running on (running blind) Running on (running into the sun) But I'm running behind Gotta do what you can just to keep your love alive Trying not to confuse it, with what you do to survive In sixty-nine I was twenty-one and I called the road my own I don't know when that road turned into the road I'm on Running on (running on empty) Running on (running blind) Running on (running into the sun) But I'm running behind Everyone I know, everywhere I go People need some reason to believe I don't know about anyone, but…
  20. Easy fix, just add a 'P' in there. NFPL......National Forward Pass League.
  21. Because the NBA is an insufferably boring parade of watching guys sleepwalk through an endless regular season, with most of them standing around for most of the game while the 2 or 3 stars attempt dozens of 3 point shots. The college game is based on ball movement and team defense and has guys who actually care about winning. Personally I never understood the mentality that sports can only be enjoyed if you are watching the most professionally accomplished athletes. I guess high school and almost all college sports are completely lost on you.
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