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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. This. I lived in a 20+ bedroom frat house with 50 guys. We were pretty chill by frat standards but still routinely had blowouts with hundreds of drunk, underaged kids. Plenty of pledge heavy drinking, etc. It was a lot of fun. Even though I never recall anything close to what some of those tragic stories tell, it's really easy to see how things get taken to the next level when literally every person involved is young, drunk and stupid. The universities closed their eyes to it for decades (I was under the impression that was largely in the past due to liability issues), so there needs to be some responsibility assigned to the grown ups. Asking an 18 year old kid to overcome that much peer pressure and correctly diagnose when it's time to stop drinking (once he's already drunk), is just not realistic if you want to see a good outcome.
  2. People seem to forget Gore running effectively and pounding out first downs late in a couple of close wins. I understand he had nothing left later in the season and I have no interest in him being on the team next season, but he was a valuable contributor during the team's fast start in 2019.
  3. Good grief.....how completely divorced from reality does one need to be to surmise Trump — of all people — is on the road to dictatorship? Trump is the ultimate ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ candidate. Meanwhile, the big machine will barely have skipped a beat for his time in office.
  4. Welp, that’ll certainly be KCs strategy so it’ll be fun to watch to find out if JG can rise to the occasion.
  5. Thanks MV. I was just thinking it had been a while since I’d seen your outstanding monthly movie thread. Sadly, I’m still going through the list of 2019 movies I’ve yet to see.
  6. Ignore the stats. There was a big difference in the production of the 49er front four when they were all healthy. That’s the game....if the pass rush gets to Mahomes, SF wins. If they don’t, KC will. The Titans have no passing game. Jimmy G has some weapons.
  7. We could be in the aftermath of a nuclear war and the real estate industry would be preaching "It's a great time to buy!!"
  8. So is even still possible to buy a physical ticket outside a stadium from a stranger? That was pretty much the only way I went to any sporting event until I was 30.
  9. Maybe they’ll also bring back Mad Men, set in current times. Don and Roger debating how to measure the firm’s emotional intelligence in the company survey.
  10. I don’t think you want to see those service records!
  11. Sabres always make me think of this clip from Major League. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/47b16f43-bd64-4d31-ba1e-3aca588be333
  12. Nope. It's the capital of the south, and the south cares about NASCAR and college football. Except for the transplants, but none of them are converting to root for Atlanta teams.
  13. Seriously? Guy has more miles on him than Lindsay Lohan.
  14. $32m out of $293m is an 11% default rate. I would have guessed it was higher. Then factor in the ability to resell the same seat and it seems like the program is operating just the way the NFL had hoped. PSLs are essentially a way to have the fans contribution to the cost of a new stadium. I'd rather that than taxpayers paying that $300m. .....or......you can just roll it into your PSA for the new Google Center, scheduled to open in 2047!
  15. The whiny son is going to run the meth empire? Ehhh.....some things are better left alone.
  16. Borrow a cat.
  17. They put someone on the radio named Maddy Glab?
  18. Yikes, I’d rather have LASIK! All kidding aside, good luck. I only know from friends who have dealt with it, but back surgery can be a long and uncertain road.
  19. "Being Belichick's B word for 20 years has left me as completely insecure and desperately in need of constant attention."
  20. I thought we already lost WW3 to NK a few years ago when they nuked us because of Trump?
  21. This thread is badly in need of some videos. I’d help but can’t manage that on my phone.
  22. Actually, I recall the first 2 years in public to be chock full of top shelf talent, but somehow they all melted away, presumably to marry investment bankers. By the time you got to year 5 it was a horror show. HR and Marketing have always had a much longer runway.
  23. One of the priests at my HS in CT was married — same situation. Absolutely absurd the Catholic Church still refuses to allow women or married priests.
  24. Drew’s probably thinking, “where were all the cheating schemes when I was starting?”
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