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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Wouldn't it be easier to just have Hillary order Bernie killed instead of going through all these shenanigans?
  2. He was the only candidate any Dem voted "FOR" in 2016, too.
  3. Fortunately my kids had no interest. My sister's young sons had some hilarious quotes while getting their first glimpse of trashy whores in action!
  4. Loved that play....good on Eric. But man I hated that Colorado team back in the day!
  5. I still believe a man can change his own destiny But the price is high that has got to be paid For everyone who survives there are many who fail I've seen my friends caught out in that crossfire All their dreams and hopes smashed on the funeral pyre I will never give in until the day I die Get myself some independence Carve out a future with my two bare hands Oh my friend, Oh my friend, Oh my friend Somewhere tonight out on the street Somewhere beneath this city's heat In the eyes of strangers who pass me by Life is cruel and so unkind Oh, Oh the spirit of '76
  6. We’re a startup in SF. Kid I interviewed the other day wore a suit. And it was badly in need of dry cleaning. The interview went downhill from there, and ended quickly.
  7. Yep. Despite all that happened in the fourth quarter, Jimmy G still had one throw to put himself in 49er lore forever......and over threw him by more than five yards.
  8. Yeah, it's the Hill play for sure. I believe that play was on 3d down....they'd have been punting. There's also the deep TD that JG missed on the ensuing drive when Sanders (I think) got behind the defense that would have clinched the game.
  9. Takeaways: Andy Reid -- Good for him, well deserved. Loved the 4th down calls in the first half. The bandwagon haters have nothing to say. Shannahan -- good coach, but man this guy doesn't know what to do with a big lead in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl. Terrible decision making at the end of the half, and should have stuck with the run in the second half with the lead. How do you not trust JG at the end of the half but put the game in his hands when you have a ten point lead? Mahomes -- he's a winner, simple as that. He was not good for 3 quarters but figured out a way to win the game when it counted. Jimmy G -- doubters are right. He had shiny stats, but failed when the chips where down. Sammy -- for all the criticisms, gotta give him his due. He was a big factor throughout the playoffs and was huge in this game with SF taking away other options for much of the day.
  10. Killin’ time with this nonsense until the food is ready. First half was faster than anticipated!
  11. Our party asked the same question. I couldn’t be bothered to google it.
  12. The correct answer is: yes to both, but I could do without the singing.
  13. Bad, over-done officiating rears it’s head in the final seconds. That’s standard hand fighting; the defender wasn’t thrown off stride at all.
  14. Difficult to wrest power from those who have it. Which is why observant people are reluctant to hand even more power to the government.
  15. I'm holding out hope the Trump commercial is just a montage of Joe Biden telling people to vote for someone else.
  16. 1) No one is willing to turn over the seat to the opposition party. 2) Primaries are a rigged game, especially if an incumbent is involved.
  17. Doesn't make for a very exciting tournament draw. Same here! I was sure it was going to involve tight tennis dresses.
  18. Yes, it's hard to believe that business owners would seek to increase the income from their investment. It's a world gone mad I tell ya! Next thing you know, players, staff, stadium workers, traffic cops, parking lot attendants, etc., will all be expecting an annual pay increase too.
  19. I think that last act is a good example of what the kids call bootylicious these days....
  20. Just like when Rudy used to cover of 9-11 to become permanent mayor of New York.
  21. There is no way Kraft lets him leave. Zero chance.
  22. Very cool story. Continued good luck to your SIL.
  23. Duration of National Anthem: Over/Under 1:59 --- Under Which team commits the first penalty -- Chiefs How many commercials will have a dog in it? -- Over/Under 3.5 -- Under Will MC Hammer say "Hammer Time" in Cheetos commercial? -- Yes Will Tom Brady be mentioned? -- Yes (duh) Which food will be advertised first? Cheetos/Snickers/Doritos/Avocados -- Doritos How many songs will Shakira and Jennifer Lopez perform together -- Over/Under 1.5 -- Over
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