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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Worry the bottle Mama It's grapefruit wine Kick off your high heel sneakers It's party time The girls don't seem to care what's on As long as they play till dawn Nothin' but blues and Elvis And somebody elses' favorite song Give her some funked up music She treats you nice Feed her some hungry reggae She'll love you twice The girls don't seem to care tonight As long as the mood is right No static at all (No static, no static at all) F.M. (No static at all) Give her some funked up music She treats you nice Feed her some hungry reggae She'll love you twice The girls don't seem to care tonight As long as the mood is right No static at all (No static, no static at all) F.M. (No static at all)
  2. Forgot about that one....or maybe chose to block it out. Just brutal. Hard to fathom and infuriating that incompetence allowed it to happen. The other great one I don't think anyone has mentioned is "Elway to Marino". A wonderfully insightful account of the most impactful draft in history. Can't even begin to imagine the media firestorm surrounding Elway and the sub-plot of that draft in this age. Even aside from the QBs, that first round had some of the greatest HOFs, biggest busts and tragic stories in league history.
  3. 40:1 seems about right. Jimmy G at 60:1 coming off a Super Bowl. Ouch.
  4. Yeah, I'd say guys named Bosa and Watt pretty much follow their own path. But I'd love one of them on the Bills.
  5. That would be awesome because if there's one thing the NFL needs to do, it's to make sure teams with the top QBs get even more of an advantage than they do now.
  6. Uh....his side of the family was Irish/English. I think we exchanged the word ‘love’ twice in my adult life. Might have been a brief hug at my college graduation. Kissing? That’s for those nutty Italians. Men in our family shook hands....still do with my brothers. Funny thing is my 3 sisters are all married to huggers so I’ve adapted.
  7. Restroom. Just ask where it is next time, not if it exists.
  8. The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's going to make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was as good as gold And he can see no reason 'Cause there are no reasons What reason do you need to be sure Oh, oh, oh tell me why I don't like Mondays Tell me why I don't like Mondays Tell me why I don't like Mondays I want to shoot The whole day down
  9. Actually, the last thing they want (quite clearly) is to fail to rig their primary. How it looks is a distant second to getting the result they want......especially since they can count on the media and the vast majority of their mindless party followers to completely ignore the obvious corruption.
  10. Well, that was worth 3 years of pure hysteria!
  11. And you can. You just might not be able to afford to live in about 2% of the country, which doesn't seem like much of a problem.
  12. Soros and a bunch of unions. Wow. They built an app with a kill switch for the big cheeses as a way to stop Bernie.
  13. There’s a balance. Kids shouldn’t spend 2-3 hours a night, but the ‘ban homework’ movement is nuts. Eh, no surprise. Just the high tech version of the ‘test file’ we had in college (literally kept in a file cabinet in the phone room).
  14. They gave up home games? I bet they draw more fans in London than Jacksonville. Just move 'em already.
  15. Just in time to be ignored as everyone gears up for Trump.
  16. I found out the other day that Comcast isn't carrying Disney+ over some b.s. dispute.
  17. I believe it does....which given the breadth of the subject matter probably makes it the best one of all.
  18. Good call on USFL (Trump totally killed it) and Catching Hell, which was a jarring look into the mind of an angry mob. Pretty frightening actually.
  19. My takeaway is that it went much deeper than just Escobar. The drug money built it, and when that collapsed so did the soccer. But yes, that is easily one of the top two or three installments in the series. The U was also fantastic, a retrospective on one of the great decades of college football and one of the great (and most controversial) dynasties. Pony Excess and Requiem for the Big East are also high on my list.
  20. I’m thrilled when candidates ask intelligent questions like that. It gets to the heart of the key question of ‘can we work together effectively’. Good employers are looking for contributors, people who can get ***** done. When I find someone who has that mindset and the ability to fit in with the team, my search ends. In very few jobs is someone’s experience materially different than dozens of other candidates.
  21. The real issue is that he wore a suit at all. No one wears a suit here - ever. The stain was just icing on the cake. Don’t get me wrong, although the suit indicates a glaring lack of cultural understanding, it wasn’t a disqualification. His communication skills and intellectual curiosity were awful. He acted like someone who read a 1950s pamphlet on how to interview.
  22. Amazing....they really tanked their entire caucus after realizing everyone voted for Bernie and Buttigieg over the big $ party favorites, didn't they? You have to respect corruption that is that brazen.
  23. BREAKING NEWS AP Release - Des Moines, IA -- Democratic party officials have announced the landslide winner of the Iowa caucus is Hillary Clinton. In unrelated news, Mayor Pete Buttigieg was involved in a serious auto accident leaving his campaign headquarters. No immediate information on his condition is available.
  24. The only downside of Biden burning out so early will be that we'll miss the sheer joy of watching him crash and burn later. He is the Hillary of this election.....the runaway #1 scumbag.
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