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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I stopped at Whole Foods the other day to buy beer and toe nail clippers. Told the cashier I was now set for the virus apocalypse -- gave her a good chuckle. I wonder if they had a 'Hottest Smurfette' contest.
  2. I took my daughter to her long awaited first Warriors game two weeks ago. Sure glad I didn't delay it any further! Thank goodness. Anything to spare us the endless Sabre misery.
  3. Love watching the same idiots who routinely get hysterical over 'too big to fail' financial institutions and billion dollar hedge funds now fawning over Biden. Ignorance is truly bliss.
  4. Since the last time they checked their portfolio.
  5. Well....the flu without any natural resistance or vaccine. Which does kinda make it quite a bit more serious. I agree it's hard to reconcile the scale of the response because we've not seen anything like it before, but there are some pretty aggressive growth rates happening in spots around the world.
  6. I assume you're pointing the same slings and arrows at those who have been politicizing this for the last two weeks in various campaign speeches? And yes, everyone realizes it's very serious.
  7. I guess that whole 'let's put partisanship aside and solve this problem' message from Trump really forced their hand.
  8. Trump should be knocked off Iranians by the dozens under the cover of all this virus hysteria.
  9. Are they seriously doing a Chuck 'n Nancy rebuttal puppet show? That was unexpected! Guess they can't whine about him not taking it seriously anymore.
  10. But if they do, perhaps they'll sell the Bills to a certain ex-President who will be looking for something to keep himself busy?
  11. Come on.....these days you could parlay that into a cushy, six figure corporate D&I job!
  12. Were you this much of a simpleton? Never mind, rhetorical question obviously.
  13. Yes, a very sensationalized one. I guess saying ‘200 cases identified’ wouldn’t pack the same punch, huh?
  14. Settle down Beavis. If weren’t in such a reactionary rush, you’d have noticed I was mocking the headline, not the poster.
  15. SCARY HUGE PERCENTAGES!!!! EVERYONE PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. All you do to me is talk, talk Talk, talk, talk, talk All you do to me is talk, talk Talk, talk, talk, talk All you do to me is talk, talk
  17. Or hiding from his special friend's husband.
  18. Bernie speaking now...sure doesn’t sound like he’s quitting. Sounds like he’s an angry nut job, but not quitting.
  19. That's okay, neither does he.
  20. Why couldn't they have botched her facelift instead of Joan Rivers'.
  21. But didn't 99% of those people feel the same four years ago? The question is, who's voting for Early Stage Joe that didn't vote for Hillary? p.s. If you'd have said Tulsi I might have agreed.
  22. At the risk of veering this into PPP-land, there was an op-ed with an interesting series of graphs in the NY Times this week about the rising rates of death from alcohol, drugs and suicide among those without a college degree, with the thesis that the root cause was economic decline. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/06/opinion/working-class-death-rate.html
  23. Just tell yourself they would have blown a 20-0 lead so you can stop torturing yourselves.....
  24. I go crazy When I look in your eyes I still go crazy No my heart just can't hide that old feelin' inside Way deep down inside Oh baby, you know when I look in your eyes I go crazy
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