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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I don't think there are very many people who think we should eliminate SS. I think there are a lot of people who think we shouldn't allow present day politicians to spend that money and give vague promises about how it'll all work out later.
  2. There is also tons of free content on the web to handle it yourself -- assuming you have an adult who can devote the time (and is willing to devote the energy) to it. We've mapped out a daily schedule for our kids starting tomorrow. Morning routine will be just like it is going to school; butts will be in seats at the kitchen table at 8:30 for school work just like on a normal day. We'll do math, reading, writing, creative arts, recess, outdoor time, etc.
  3. There's a moon over bourbon street tonight I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight I've no choice but to follow that call The bright lights the people and the moon and all I pray everyday to be strong For I know what I do must be wrong Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over bourbon street
  4. Nice to see fully stocked (top) shelves!
  5. No question it's a huge economic event for the host city, but I'm curious if anyone knows how much the host cities now pay the NFL for the privilege. My assumption was the NFL got most of its money from ESPN broadcast rights, but the live event is probably now a material revenue stream for them too.
  6. He was never going anywhere.
  7. Postponing would be a terrible decision and for what benefit? People will watch it on TV if it's done with all parties workly remotely. In fact, given there is nothing else live on TV, they would get record ratings.
  8. I feel so terrible for Aaron Rodgers and JJ Watt.
  9. Because Congress wouldn't just take that extra money and use it to enrich themselves and fund other pet project bs? That problem aside, SS is capped because the benefits are capped. Seems reasonable. Also, the cap increases significantly every year. This year it's $138k.
  10. I love that there's no risk of a stoppage and certainly prefer an extra regular season game to a pre-season game, BUT, I hate the idea of only one team getting a bye. Way too big of an advantage IMO. The best playoff format was 3 divisions and 5 playoff teams per conference. Divisions were harder to win, all division winners get a bye, first round was just for the wild cards. I wish they would go back to that. Baseball has it correct now, but of course they'll screw it up soon enough.
  11. She floats like a swan Grace on the water Lips like sugar Lips like sugar Just when you think you've caught her She glides across the water She calls for you tonight To share this moonlight You'll flow down her river She'll ask you and you'll give her Lips like sugar Sugar kisses Lips like sugar Sugar kisses
  12. Clearing customs usually takes an hour or two. Now add on a virus screen and of course that’s going to significantly increase the wait time. That’s what the government enforcing measures to test and contain the spread looks like. But if we were really serious about this, we would have shut down air travel completely two weeks ago.
  13. Where I live pretty much everything is already shut down. They're even shutting down ski resorts (now that it finally snowed!). What's not shut down yet?
  14. This was as intense and hard-hitting a game as I've ever seen.
  15. Sure seems like it. You give a guy two options, he's gonna vote for the one that pays him more money. A guy looking at a 5 year career at the bottom end of the scale isn't whining about a 17th game if he's going to get a substantial raise for it.
  16. Yup; we had an episode years ago where the wife was using 'flushable' baby wipes. Of course, they caught on the roots that had broken into the line to the septic tank. It took the plumber about two hours to clear it out.
  17. They said 'flushable' wipes, not 'won't clog the ***** out of your sewer line' wipes!
  18. Of course, and anyone dumb enough to pay a RB $10m+ deserves the mess they create, but the suggestion of 4/$28 seems unrealistic to me.
  19. Isn’t he looking for Bell-type money? Regardless, just say no to expensive RBs.
  20. Several years ago someone ran a version of this scam by mailing bogus checks using my company’s (at the time) bank account number. What a hassle. Clueless people calling us constantly as our bank rejected the checks.
  21. All I know is, the racism I felt as a Connecticut resident whenever someone mentioned Lyme disease is still a painful scar.
  22. Yup. Question is does is come back next fall/winter.
  23. I wish we could see one of those boards with pics of all the Iran bigwigs, like the FBI always has in mob movies, but with markings for infections and deaths.
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