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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. No owner is going to tank his own franchise -- and more importantly his season ticket sales -- by trading away his best player. Especially on the heels of trading away his second best player. There's a reason guys like Watson are worth $30m a year. They are the ones who sell the tickets and boost the TV ratings.
  2. + Estelle; best TV couple ever.
  3. That gave me a good chuckle. Humor is definitely a requirement through all this. Maybe we can have a quarantine sub-forum.
  4. Sooo.....when exactly do you want them to start drafting the 'sick kids', given that this virus will be around for a minimum of two years?
  5. Beane, Beane is good for your heart The more FAs he signs, the more you ________.
  6. It's amazing to me how some people deride that instead of recognizing the value in it.
  7. I'd vote for any option in any situation that allows that response.
  8. The Globetrotters from that era were awesome. Funny seeing him put up those crazy long shots......Steph Curry gets about $40m a year to do that now. RIP
  9. Absolutely. Brown and Beasley both likely have two years left in Buffalo based on current contract and age. The time to draft a starting WR for 2022 is now.
  10. Here's an interesting article from today's WSJ. Some very big and well known employers operate with relatively little cash (and way too much debt) to sustain operations in a period of significant revenue loss. https://www.wsj.com/articles/coronavirus-puts-a-premium-on-cash-even-for-biggest-u-s-companies-11585153040?mod=itp_wsj&mod=&mod=djemITP_h
  11. No visitors for my MIL either and residents can't leave their rooms. We've connected via facetime but she doesn't quite understand what's going on. No doubt many elderly people in that boat.
  12. No. I understand the battered wife syndrome demands we invent new ways for NE* to remaining endlessly dominant, but no one is trading a top 10 QB to Belichick.
  13. I'm surprised we haven't seen this headline before now. Senior homes are on lockdown but when you need dozens of staff and they have to go room to room all day to care for the residents.....it's a bad recipe.
  14. Apparently this was too risque for OTW, so will leave here for people to enjoy in the event you haven't seen it. Some people still don't quite get the whole video conference thing.... ,
  15. The most shocking thing through all of this is how they haven't been out beating drums about how the Wuhan virus was caused by........you know what.
  16. No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave those kids alone Hey teachers, leave those kids alone All in all you're just another brick in the wall All in all you're just another brick in the wall
  17. Austin Seferian-Jenkins was in the end zone!
  18. Of course.....
  19. Me too, because he'd never respond to Belichick's style and he'd be a cancer on that franchise.
  20. I don't even want Cam Newton changing planes in the Buffalo airport. Keep that self-absorbed weirdo far, far away from the Bills.
  21. With all due respect, the greatest PSA ever is still....
  22. They won a Super Bowl 14 months ago with an offense that scored 13 points so I think the 'tanking' talk might be slightly premature.
  23. This year will be tight for them, but in 2021 they have tons of cap space. So naturally, this season will be canceled. And they'll get 9 comp picks.
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