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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. My kids are learning cursive in school. And spelling. And keyboarding. I think it's great.
  2. They're probably all infected. Kraft is sending them to Buffalo, Miami and NY.
  3. Not me.....I wouldn't get close enough to one of those to check.
  4. Good. And these companies should not get one dime of money from the US. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/01/825205607/coast-guard-tells-cruise-ships-with-covid-19-cases-to-stay-away-from-u-s-ports?utm_source=morning_brew
  5. Another arrogant big shot goes down.....enjoy prison honey! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/silicon-valley-mom-gets-7-months-for-450-000-college-scam
  6. Why would the NFL not announce 'breaking news' on their own network?
  7. That's an eye opening chart the powers that be clearly aren't showing during the evening news.
  8. When the whistle blows Girl, I'm down the street I'm home, I'm out of my work clothes When I'm out in the street, oh oh oh oh oh I walk the way I want to walk When I'm out in the street, oh oh oh oh oh I talk the way I want to talk
  9. She said don't worry, baby I'll do my own crying I'm a big girl now Now I'm gonna be okay Yes, I'll find a new way of living You know I will And you lie there without sleeping And you stare at your wall And you realize you're not weeping You don't need her anymore
  10. Sanders was plan B if they couldn't agree on the trade w/ Minnesota. It's nice to have a GM who knows what he's doing in pursuing multiple options at once.
  11. A Kaepernick thread? How it's made it to 5 pages without being shipped off to PPP is a miracle! p.s. Reid is douchebag.
  12. It's amazing how rich people aren't evil and greedy if they get rich working for the government.
  13. "everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?" Brilliant!
  14. I wonder how this whole thing would look if they were sending non-critical people home like they do with any other malady.
  15. Whelp....that's that. 2020 season will certainly be canceled now.
  16. Well they sure thought Russia was the cat's meow before Putin started reading Hillary's emails and forced millions of zombies to vote for Trump. Maybe they'll get all hysterical about China if Trump is reelected.
  17. What if I told you....a coach who never missed an opportunity to play for a FG had his rookie QB throw into the end zone (and was picked off) in the fourth quarter when a FG would have put the game out of reach. I think I'd rather get the virus than watch that abortion again.
  18. "don't worry about the President, we'll get to that"
  19. Princess Bride Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  20. This weekend's movies with the kids: The Incredibles Star Wars Ep IX Jungle Book
  21. Happened across this gem on youtube......I miss Tim Russert so much.
  22. I took mine home from the office on our last day there 3 weeks ago. Almost didn’t bother, but so glad I did. Staring at the laptop all day would have been brutal. How long is the wait to get them online?
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