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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'd bet heavily against it. People are morons who for some reason like dumb celebrities.
  2. Best line: The fact that someone would actually write that into the article in such a fashion (as though it was anything but a complete, 100% lie), highlights how completely ignorant, gullible, and/or dishonest pretty much everyone is.
  3. It would be nice if the Dems returned some sanity to their party and started electing people like Cabrera, but my guess is she won't come anywhere close to the dingbat.
  4. Now there's a high bar! There's nothing about Fouts I will miss. He added very little of value. Agree with the comments that he didn't seem to put much effort into it.
  5. The Bills are a franchise Josh Allen is their QB Ergo, Josh Allen is a franchise QB.
  6. Here in California, we hate Trump SO much, we'll even release convicted felons because once upon a time that felon used to appear on cable news shows to bash Trump.
  7. Any thoughts as to why the US categorizes so few people as 'recovered'? According to the daily numbers, only 5.5% of the total cases in the US (500k) have recovered, compared to 30% of the other 1.2m cases in the rest of the world. 27% if you just look at Canada + Europe and exclude phony numbers from places like BRIC, Iran, etc.
  8. I don't see how anyone can look at how the left has acted over the last 3 1/2 years and conclude anything but. Sure, at the individual level you see people rising above politics, but do people actually believe that power brokers like Nancy P wouldn't trade the lives of 20,000 nobodys for a guaranteed Biden win in November?
  9. Mad was one of the highlights of my youth. RIP
  10. Yup. The original site is now a restaurant. The new (not so new anymore) Sweetwater is across the street from City Hall/fire station.
  11. What a joke. His 'statistical analysis' look exactly like the guesses offered up by every other dope last offseason who vastly overrated the Browns, Rams and Eagles based on the prior season and media hype, yet completely missed emerging teams like the Ravens, 49ers, Seahawks and Bills. And the most telltale sign of all all.....picks virtually every team to have between 6-10 wins so he'll be sure to not be too far off on anyone! A dog pissing on the sports page could have come up with better guesses than that. p.s. who the ***** is Mike Clay? And can someone please post when Jim Smith and Don White issue their predications.
  12. I tend to go in cycles, influenced by the season. Winter is a wine heavy season so we're just coming out of that and I've loaded up on various beers for April. Enjoying one of these right now for happy hour: On the liquor side, vodka at first seemed like a hard give because it's so versatile, but I find it's not really ever necessary, more of a default option. There's no option if you're at a good Mexican restaurant -- you NEED tequila. As for G&T, I grew up with those....fond memories of the folks....and now the staple drink for two weeks on Cape Cod with my BIL and his Irish wife who's always pouring.
  13. Beer and wine are the most important, but I'll go with: Whiskey (seems like it's kind of cheating to get Scotch/Bourbon/Rye with one pick, but what the heck) Gin - summer at beach requires a G&T Tequila - gotta have a margarita every now and then
  14. Bob Weir lives just up the hill from me and owns the local music hall that's around the corner. I saw him there two months ago at the launch of his current (now suspended) tour. First time I ever saw any member of the Dead perform live, and while I always thought they were pretty good, I've never been a huge fan. Perhaps it was just the hippie vibe in the crowd and the faint scent of herb in the air, but I was blown away. He was fantastic, one of the best performers I've ever seen live. It actually made me regret never going to see the Dead as a youngster when they were together. Maybe I wouldn't have liked them as much then, but I'm sure glad I got to see one of them now.
  15. Because FO types generally have more personal relationships with other FO people which generally leads to more candid conversations.
  16. All things being equal, I'd still believe the word of a guy who failed in the front office vs the word of a guy who's never worked outside of media.
  17. He didn't tell us the hole story....
  18. Being home in bed at 4am helps too.
  19. Thanks Linda! A true American hero. We all know how much the left respects whistleblowers!
  20. Hockey and basketball are over. Question now is if baseball can salvage an abbreviated season.
  21. Yup. How pathetic that the NFL feels the need to lean into that crap.
  22. Sometimes I feel Like a motherless child Sometimes I feel Like a motherless child Sometimes I feel Like a motherless child A long Way From my home, yeah Yeah Sing Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom
  23. I call that one the all time LAMP pick. Look at Douggie making the ‘big’ move!
  24. I can live with whiffs like Mike Williams and Zay Jones because they should have been good players and somehow just didn't translate to the NFL. But I can not excuse the level of sheer ineptitude that came out of OBD on draft day for nearly 20 years. A group of people with months to collaborate and decide all looked around the table and agreed to draft Aaron Maybin, based on.......? It's like they all blew off their homework for three months and then just picked a name at random off the board at the last second. It could not possibly ever get worse than that pick, thus it wins for All-time worst pick. Other category winners include: All-time panic pick: JP Losman; after missing out on the top QBs All-time trade up: John McCargo, the 3d best guy on his college team's front 7. Yes kids, that really happened. They traded up into the first round to draft a guy that was the 3d best out of 7 on his 7-5 college team. It's ok to laugh now.
  25. Guy is a solid play caller, has an excellent, understated sense of humor, gets excited when the situation calls for it (and not otherwise)......what else do people want? I was so happy when he turned up on MNF a few years ago. Terrible decision to take him off.
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