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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. How about paying them based on the contract they and their labor union freely negotiated?
  2. The first rule of fight club is.....
  3. I reflexively figured this was all media created bullsh-- but didn't bother to look into it. I would have never guessed the extent to which it was a completely fabricated claim. This really sums it up: They even have a collectively bargained contract!!
  4. Isn't it the same idiot who just changes his name every six months out of embarrassment? It used to be gatorman or something previously. I forget the one before that.
  5. I love the other story....."Skydiver who forgot parachute dies from coronavirus"
  6. Yesiree....to everything about this woman.
  7. Great call, The Critic is an underrated gem. Lovitz, the movie spoofs, Ted Turner send up, NYC, etc. I still have the DVD box set on my shelf. Cartoons need a whole different thread.
  8. That's ok. Any attempt at a joke is usually ruined anyway by the inclusion of Will Ferrell.
  9. Bills fans are like one of those Lifetime movies where the woman is constantly paranoid the abusive ex is going to show up again. Of course, in those movies he always does show up.....and beats the Bills again.
  10. The Greats: Seinfeld, Cheers, All in the Family, Odd Couple Greats that may or may not qualify as sitcoms: Curb, Simpsons, South Park. HOVG: Barney Miller, Honeymooners, Night Court, Good Times, News Radio.
  11. Watching the local news....in true Washington Post fashion, they have a permanent banner over the broadcast that says ‘CORONAVIRUS FACTS NOT FEAR’.....while they continue to pump out the fear at top speed.
  12. Holy crap....that sucks, he was a cool guy. My sister dated him for several years during and after college. RIP
  13. My town is the far-left Karen Capital of the western hemisphere, but it's even starting to happen here. Yesterday I saw the very first "ok, we're flattened the curve, the hospital is empty, and there are virtually zero cases in our county of half million people, so WTF are we still hibernating for?" posts on the hideous 'Nextdoor' site. Naturally, near panic ensued, yet there were enough supporters to clearly show that some portion of people are willing to start using their brains to assess the current situation. It will only grow from here.
  14. We love to talk about homeless rights and how we need to check our privilege rather than criticizing people for shitting on the sidewalk.....so long as they keep shitting on the sidewalk way over there. Poor dear. The injustice of people not being able to afford a new Telsa in this area of great wealth is really hard to swallow.
  15. Affirmed. He knew how to close the deal when things got tight.
  16. Day’um, they don’t get much purdier than her.
  17. Can believe it took 11 posts before this one came out. We had a perfect angle to appreciate it from our seats at the Meadowlands that day.
  18. That's how you need to operate a business; they are taking cost cutting measures now in anticipation of lost business later. If you wait to act until the bad news is directly impacting your bottom line, you risk much greater damage to your organization.
  19. Oh, Farah was right next to OJ on my wall. Apparently he had a thing for blondes.
  20. This guy. I'm sure many others had this poster on their wall too.
  21. Obviously we need fewer people....doesn't mean we have to kill anyone but we sure do need to reduce birth rates dramastically in the 3d world.
  22. I too have serious doubts we'll ever see Biden reach a debate because the Dems have to know that America will be horrified by whatever random nonsense comes out of his mouth. p.s. Going out on a limb and guessing none of the late night 'comedians' had a field day with "economic intercourse".
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