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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. You must be new here. We could even turn a COVID-19 thread into a referendum on our QB. ?
  2. Well, thank goodness we have public sector unions to protect the most essential workers of all!!!
  3. The left is gearing up for another attempt to subvert the integrity of the election results in December should things not go their way in November. Videos starring B-list Hollywood actors didn't quite do the trick last time.
  4. He's really the ultimate career politician, the dirty Washington insider, all the things regular people swear they hate about the people who run our country. And yet, here he is, being held up as the guy who should be our next POTUS. Unreal.
  5. Is that somehow more pathetic than the hysterics 1/3 of the populace has been in for nearly four years now? Or the fact that the proposed alternative is a guy with early stage dementia?
  6. The bigger issue is which guys will be able to play to their max ability in front of an empty house. Let's be clear -- these guys are performers, they thrive off the energy of the crowd and have been used to playing in front of thousands of people since they were kids. Playing in an empty stadium will feel like a practice. Some won't be affected at all, but I believe many will. I think it will add a huge variable to the season.
  7. Don't go to bed with no price on your head, no, no (Don't do it), no, no Don't do the crime if you can't do the time (Don't do it) (Hurry up) Keep your eye on the sparrow when the going gets narrow (Don't do it) Don't do it
  8. Yep. They just keep selling that false fear......and continuing to label science fiction as 'science based'.
  9. Trading him (along with Dareus, TT and a bunch of other guys you and others howled over) was a key part of rebuilding the team into one that has been to the playoffs twice after a 20 year drought. So, good for Watkins for latching on to a great team and getting a ring, but there's no question the Bills got a win by getting rid of him.
  10. Well sure, when you have a before pic like that one! Most girls with implants don't start out looking like that.
  11. Go Iron Mike! He represents the last time boxing was fun.
  12. Looking forward to some regression to the mean!
  13. I commuted coast to coast for a few months and it wasn't that hard. I'd much rather fly twice than have to spend the week in a hotel away from home.
  14. Oh yeah.....impeachment. Almost forgot. When is that supposed to happen again?
  15. Was just on a call w/ family members; my sisters singing the praises of his 'leadership'.
  16. The whole thing is just an example of those in charge not being able to come up with any reasonable plan and then overstepping their authority to cover up their own incompetence. The whole 'stay home' thing was sold to us back in March to keep from overwhelming the health care system. Fine....we did that. Now it's May and there is no justification to continue SIP except some vague "if we stop now everyone will get sick" scare tactics with no timeframe. What do these people want, a two year lockdown? Longer? No school until the fall of 2021 at the earliest? Sorry, but the idea that this has been worth the cost is absurd.
  17. Good. I don't see any benefit to pulling a whole bunch of players from next spring's draft into a supplemental draft this year.
  18. I love how people still talk about this guy like he was Joe Delaney or Robert Edwards. A backup, flash in the pan who fizzled out after a handful of games. Yeah....some 'saga'
  19. Excellent. Can't get enough government overreach in the upper mid-west six months before the election.
  20. My daughter is just getting into the kitchen, would love to have her try that. Have a good recipe or is that one to just google?
  21. Yup....it's happening slowly but surely and I have a hard time seeing them force it back. There are a lot of face coverings and distancing and the same rules around take-out at the restaurants, but after two months of SIP + the arrival of warm weather (well....maybe not for some of you this weekend!), people are getting out of the house no matter what they say.
  22. Yeah, cause nothing has saved us fans from being 'screwed' like replay over the last 30 years!! What is obviously missing now is offensive holding replay. Uncalled offensive holding can change an entire game. We need to review every possible hold to make sure no one is getting away with it and screwing us fans!!
  23. So glad we're spending money on this, instead of on allowing a state tax deduction for 529 contributions (which he vetoed recently after even the leftist legislature passed it easily).
  24. They needed a sidekick to support the entire shift of the show away from being a comedy to instead being about Alda and his moralizing.
  25. There will only be a conflict if the Bills are losing badly at halftime.
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