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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Come on guys, be fair. Sometimes liberals just take their dog for a walk in the park..... https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/05/26/amy-cooper-fired-after-viral-central-park-video/#26583f545c53
  2. Uh....no thank you.
  3. It seems like just yesterday all you angry little people were calling everyone "neo-con"!
  4. C'mon g-tard, it's DOCTOR Jill Biden. Every lefty I know always makes sure to emphasize the DOCTOR part of her name.
  5. No, we fell off Homeland a couple seasons ago. But for a while there it was our favorite.
  6. Hello.....my name is Saul Berenson.....you tried to kill Carrie, prepare to die.
  7. Next time don't bury the lede.
  8. Nobody gives a crap about online petitions. They are the adult equivalent of a four year old throwing a temper tantrum. Any software company needs to prioritize its investments in product development. I'd guess that EA has a fairly robust process to measure ROI against its product roadmap. Simply put, the 'bells and whistles' probably generates more sales for less product dev cost than fundamentally improving the underlying gameplay.
  9. That old loser has been is reduced to appearing on 'Stuttering John' podcasts? Hilarious.
  10. It won't get the same highlight treatment as Brady holing out from 150, but Manning had the clutch shot of the day sticking his tee shot to 2' on 16 after both Brady and Phil were in tight. The match was going to be tied if he doesn't pull that one out. His swing is ugly, but he made a bunch of big shots. I was surprised Brady isn't a better golfer, but in his defense (and as he said) he's still actually playing football. Tiger was automatic all day. If he doesn't lip out twice, the match is over on the front 9.
  11. No way....a left wing lemming obsessed about Trump?? He must be the only one.
  12. He sounds like a hard ass on cable new interviews....what else do you need? He's the new Creepy Porn Lawyer.
  13. >There are clear rules for deciding a Presidential election. Yet the left goes into a 'frenzy' every time they lose one. >The President has a clear right to name USSC justices. Yet the left goes into a 'frenzy' every time a Republican POTUS nominates one. Bork was the first time they did it and succeeded. After that the Republicans grew a spine and didn't let them get away with the same crap with Thomas or Kavanaugh (the most disgraceful political hit job attempt ever). Both things in this post highlight that the left are just power-mad scumbags who don't respect the rules of our republic.
  14. It's been clear since 'Sore Loserman 2000', which the left has never gotten past. But it was super duper clear on election night when the TDS crowd went bat-**** crazy, at a level many times worse than any reaction generated by Clinton/Bush/Obama combined.
  15. Sounds like it's time for a road trip!
  16. Man, remember when we thought Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad (which it was after that election)? But it was like having the sniffles compared to the current COVID-TDS.
  17. I won't miss Trump when he's gone, but I will miss terribly his ability to incite lunatics to this type of outburst. That alone makes him worth voting for come November.
  18. Dumb cunts like this are just minting more Trump voters.
  19. And chance we get an exciting ending in the next week? Major embezzlement? Caught with the boss’ wife?
  20. They could even program it to use a different standard when NE* or Pittsburgh is playing! Seriously, I can't see how it could be worse so WTH, bring it on.
  21. Well we're movin on up, To the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up To the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie. Fish don't fry in the kitchen; Beans don't burn on the grill. Took a whole lotta tryin' Just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues Gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me baby There ain't nothin wrong with that.
  22. More utter nonsense brought to you by idiots who need to ruin everything.
  23. Shoulda taken that deal six months ago and saved yourself the stress and lawyers fees.
  24. He was great the first five minutes or so.
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