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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I'm surprised she didn't wish everyone a 'Happy' Memorial Day.
  2. She lists "icon" on her own twitter profile? Arrogance even Trump could never aspire to. 'Standing up for our Democracy'.....except for when the other guy wins the election
  3. "Allen's a bust!" "McDermott gets blown out in 40% of all games!!" "CLEAN HOUSE!!!!" Ahhh....fond memories of that GDT!
  4. It seems like the left has 3 camps, not two. In order of influence: -Mainstream types (lifetime Senators, Nancy, Clintons, etc) who don't give a flying ***** about any of it and are in it to line their own pockets -Nutjobs and blowhards who preach 'Green New Deal' but don't have the slightest idea how any of that could reasonably be achieved, or done without creating more harm than they are saving, -Serious people interested in dealing with the hard question and technical difficulties as you point out. Of course, the 3d camp isn't part of 'the left' at all....those are mostly people in the private sector who are motivated (by both money and creating long term solutions), to work those problems and create those solutions. And that is happening every day. The narrative that we're not doing anything to address climate change is of course pure bunk.
  5. Apparently there's some debate about Madden's representation in Congress.
  6. Hiding the rock hammer in the book of Exodus was a nice touch.
  7. Better question would be, "have you ever been to a Bills home game outside of Buffalo"?
  8. "Works for me" -Gavin Newsom (and anyone else planning a run in 2024)
  9. I try to throw my quarter into the basket without stopping.
  10. I want to say it’s the guy whose most famous highlight was forgetting the end zone is only ten yards deep and dropped back right into a safety.
  11. If you were even halfway old enough to have been alive the last time the dog-ass Jets were in the SB, you’d have recognized the reference.
  12. That wouldn’t shock me a bit. But they’ll still be the dog-ass Jets.
  13. I thank you for the music and your stories of the road I thank you for the freedom when it came my time to go I thank you for the kindness and the times when you got tough And papa, I don't think I said I love you near enough The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band I am a living legacy to the leader of the band
  14. Hell yeah I'm taking vacation. I'll be sipping gin & tonics on Cape Cod in August as usual.
  15. Yeah....I was thinking it would be a much better debate to pick four for Mt Turd.
  16. When guys dream of going out on top, they don't image winding down their career as a backup for the dog-ass Jets.
  17. I loved you since I knew you I wouldn't talk down to you I have to tell you just how I feel I won't share you with another boy I know my mind is made up So put away your make-up Told you once, I won't tell you again It's a bad way Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light
  18. Six years is a lifetime for girls like that....not to mention back in those days per kitty may not have fit a gun so easily!
  19. Oops....guess I missed you already had this story posted. This is one of those times I don't mind the online lynch mob too much because as has been rooted out elsewhere, this is a typical NYC liberal showing her true colors and those people are rarely called out for their hypocrisy. As far as the 'ruined life' nonsense, everyone will forget about her in a week. Remember Justine Sacco? Well, she was right back in her old job with the same company a few years after being fired for her global outrage inducing 'racist' twitters.
  20. She's the poet in my heart. HBD Stevie.
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