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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Senorita I'm in trouble again and I can't get free (Senorita) You're exactly what the doctor ordered, come on talk to me (Ah) Can't crow before I'm out of the woods But there's exceptions to the rule (Ah-ah) Senorita, do you need a friend? I'm in love with you Catch as catch, catch as catch can Anybody in their right mind could see, it's you and me Oooh-ooo-ooh Oooh-oooh You say you're lonesome, just getting by But you turn your eyes from me Be sure you're hurting long before you fly 'cause, you've got me Catch as catch, catch as catch can Anybody in their right mind could see, you and me Catch as catch, catch as catch can When I see you, all your little guitars sing to me
  2. Hey Joe Where you goin' with that gun in your hand? Hey Joe I said where you goin' with that gun in your hand? I'm goin down to shoot my old lady You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man. I'm goin' down to shoot my old lady You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man. And that ain't too cool. Hey Joe I heard you shot your woman down You shot her down now. Hey Joe I heard you shot you old lady down You shot her down to the ground. Yeah! Yes, I did, I shot her You know, I caught her messing around, messing around town Yes, I did, I shot her You know, I caught my old lady messing around town And I gave her the gun I shot her!
  3. That one goes in the Bee HOF. Just perfect.
  4. Seriously....why did that take 3+ years? They are more dangerous than any 'militia' group that we were all hysterical about smashing in the 90s.
  5. Hauschka is about to turn 35....they need to find the next kicker, which many teams have shown is not always so easy to find. Being in a rush to cut this kid would be foolish.
  6. Not even close. I think they were both around 1,800 after 14 games. To me this is the definitive stat on how great the '73 season was for OJ (and his '75 season which rarely gets mentioned). All time YPG in a season: 1 O.J. Simpson+ (26) 143.1 1973 BUF 2 Jim Brown+ (27) 133.1 1963 CLE 3 Walter Payton+ (23) 132.3 1977 CHI 4 Eric Dickerson+ (24) 131.6 1984 RAM 5 Adrian Peterson (27) 131.1 2012 MIN 6 O.J. Simpson+ (28) 129.8 1975 BUF 7 Jamal Lewis (24) 129.1 2003 BAL
  7. Now he walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streams Seeking grace in every step he takes His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake And the Colorado rocky mountain high I've seen it raining fire in the sky You can talk to God and listen to the casual reply Rocky mountain high
  8. That's an absolutely fantastic picture. Kudos to those guys.
  9. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Heard the countdown/launch on the car radio and a few seconds saw it coming up over the horizon. Obviously pretty small from that distance, but unmistakable.
  10. This one is a perfect storm of lots of groups doing what comes naturally: --anarchists taking an excuse to do their thing --establishment left priming the pump to hurt Trump while continuing to hide Early Stage Joe --ordinary people bored out of their minds from the lockdown taking the excuse to get out and scream and yell --usual scumbags taking the opportunity to loot --rich, white snowflakes who haven't had much to be 'outraged' over recently (other than someone not wearing a mask to the supermarket), can now cry on facebook over all the 'injustice'
  11. So by posting that you're basically announcing you support the Klan, right?
  12. Isn't your concern about dispersing looters? Um....actually Mayor, this is EXACTLY you. This is exactly what you and the nuts have been cultivating in Portland for years.
  13. So you have a problem with using rubber bullets to stop violent felons?
  14. Fast forward two years when left wing politicians are crying ‘raysis’ because there are no local businesses serving these communities.
  15. Of course, I notice that it’s almost universally the Caucasians who won’t see any looting within miles of their house. Cocktail party liberals just love to whine about ‘injustice’.....right before they check their phone to see how their portfolio did today.
  16. I was in Clearwater once during a shuttle launch. Saw it pretty clearly.
  17. Sounds like the forecast is always ‘hot and sticky’.
  18. Andy's wife was hot.
  19. That was an afternoon game IIRC, and I didn't get back to my room from class until the end of the 8th inning and missed everything up till then. Reaction was "oh *****, they're toast with Scott going tomorrow". Of course...the game was just beginning with the rally in the 9th. p.s. I was dating a cute and horny freshman redhead at the time.....boy the fall of '86 was a good time.
  20. Love me some Jesse, but I forgive myself for forgetting that as my BAC was probably at or above .15 when it happened! At the end of game six I was in the frat social room which was a mixed fan (but heavily weighted toward Sox fans as we were in Rhode Island) experience. For Game 7 everyone choose sides and was sequestered with their own kind. My roommate and I hosted the rowdiest of the Mets rooms. The Sox fans upstairs from us heard non-stop from the 6th inning on. Much fun that night.
  21. Can they wrap around, so last song/first song (consecutive if your turntable or CD is set properly). If so, I’ll go with The Last Resort and Hotel California.
  22. Revised prediction: Series is canceled. Big surprise, while every other league is coming back, MLB would rather put on the 54th edition of its real championship: MLB v MLBPA. ***** ‘em all.
  23. I know Straw jacked one late that was the exclamation point on that night’s comeback (OMG....it’s 3-0 Sox, we’re going to blow this after all!!!), but for some reason didn’t think it was the final run.
  24. He's got the whole world in His hands He's got the whole world in His hands He's got the whole world in His hands He's got the whole world in His hands
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