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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Thank you for this post Bill. I had thought about writing something along these lines but obviously it is much more meaningful coming from you. It’s unfortunate the man was injured, but what do people expect cops to do? Just stand there while any random nut blocks their path? It’s not like the cops were bull rushing a group of people, this guy specifically sought out to engage them. Reverting to the Obama era strategy of demonizing all police will prove counterproductive to the goal of weeding out the bad cops and promoting racial justice.
  2. Happy birthday! Splash the pot whenever you ***** please!
  3. Next up.....left wing blogs whine about "food deserts" in black neighborhoods.
  4. I didn't have the energy to make a whole meme out of it, but this is the 'kneel' issue in a nutshell.
  5. Well....not 'only' in today's day and age. History is littered with examples of time and places when dissent was not tolerated. History usually doesn't judge them favorably.
  6. People are idiots* *says the guy w/ 40k posts
  7. Same here....until a few years ago. Actually there's still one buddy I can talk to honestly, but the rest have all gone off the deep end. And I'm far from right wing....pretty much liberal on most/all social issues but that's not good enough for today's mob.
  8. What's revolting here is the insistence that anyone in a position of any authority is required to 'make a statement' and then, if the statement is not deemed perfectly acceptable to the crowd, it's time to cast the person down in the pit of despair. The internet torch and pitchfork crowd is now everywhere. I noted this in another thread, but in my town they are trying to run the new mayor out of town because she said something like 'we have lots of priorities' at a council meeting when asked about protests. This is what rich, white people can do to show their 'outrage' since they aren't about to join the Antifa riots.
  9. It's been hard to find an honest conversation with anyone on the left since Bush v Gore. It's been literally impossible since Trump was elected.
  10. ....and eventually the cocktail party liberals realize just how dangerous it is to them when their lip serve and votes for the left enable destruction and ruin for all......and then they finally vote for someone like Rudy to come in and clean it up. Guess they've all forgotten what NYC was like in the 70s and 80s.
  11. Oh yes.....that's what we're doing now. In my town we're in the process of tar and feathering the new mayor because she (minority female btw) fumbled her response to a question about protests.
  12. Oh, it’ll be spectacular alright. I would assume they have several things in development. Any lingering doubts that the left was capable and willing to lie, cheat and steal to any extreme was put to bed forever during the Kavanaugh hearings.
  13. So.....how was the daytime TV?
  14. New York, to that tall skyline I come, flyin' in from London to your door New York, lookin' down on Central Park Where they say you should not wander after dark
  15. The real question is, can he hit good punts 60% of the time?
  16. Hurry, get on board, it's comin' Listen to those rails a-thrumming all aboard Get on the "A" train Soon you will be on Sugar Hill in Harlem Harlem, boy Next stop is Harlem
  17. They can beat every violent white hippie protester into a coma as far as I’m concerned. To find a more disingenuous group of scumbags on the planet you’d need to hold a Democratic Presidential Primary.
  18. Well the police certainly want to, but they are being prevented. I'm not on board with the current strategy of "don't let police take any offensive measures against violent rioters because it'll just make things worse". Really? Worse how? Is there another whole segment of people who will start throwing bricks, destroying businesses and shooting at cops if the current lot starts paying the price for those actions? I doubt it.
  19. Ok....I just did a 180 on this whole protest thing. Burn it to the ground (with deBlahblahblah inside)!!! We have hope!
  20. Seems like the issue is the criminals start out as part of the 'peaceful' group and then head on over to the Apple store or wherever. The curfew thing is the best defense. There's no need for legitimate protest once the sun goes down. Also, cops have obviously been told not to touch anyone and the scumbags know it....so that's not working and only endangering the innocent.
  21. Can you imagine the posts from the Bickering Bills era?
  22. This. People don’t like riots so don't like the people creating them, but they also get fatigued by endless bad news. If you assume COVID and protests die down and the country actually watches Biden attempt to speak in multiple debates, Trump probably wins. If it’s still chaos and the media can keep hiding Biden, Trump probably loses.
  23. Meanwhile....if we're adding 22k new cases a day and it's a 2-3 week disease, doesn't that mean there should be around 400k or so active cases? Seems like we're missing close to a million people somewhere... Confirmed 1.84M +21,703 Recovered 410K Deaths 106K
  24. Ramming? What an absurd description. They should focus their attention on the other cops who don't seem to know how to get their vehicle through a crowd of law breakers.
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