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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. I just love when people take this stuff personally. You'd think it was Tua's mother posting on this board sometimes.
  2. There is! http://www.profootballresearchers.org/hall-of-very-good.html
  3. Wife and I stayed there the first two nights of our honeymoon! Fun harbor area.
  4. In case close followers of this very important thread were wondering, my tenderloin turned out very nicely tonight. The kids need a good medium to enjoy steak in general, so I took the filets off the fire at intervals which not only made everyone happy but allowed me to enjoy choice cuts at a variety of doneness. Egg noodles, grilled peppers, avocado salad, and bread were also on the menu. I paired it with a 2014 Napa (Coombsville) Cab. The only downside is how little of the bottle I'll have left to enjoy tomorrow.
  5. Kinda....but people are getting out a lot more. Restaurants with outdoor seating are open so it was nice to go out for dinner on one of the hot days last week. Lots of older Karens up here in Marin so they are all in hysterics (not at the protesters of course), even though we're still sitting on something like 14 deaths out of 250k people.
  6. It's the beginning of the end!!!
  7. In this case it quite clearly means, "give someone else's money to me instead".
  8. Meanwhile....local social media is aghast that groups of mothers and children are putting all our lives at risk by playing in the parks.
  9. It is, but I frequently struggle with my racist inability to let every POC know that my privilege has been fully acknowledged each day. Maybe Facebook can add a feature to track this.
  10. Funny you mention....that's what I have teed up for tonight on the grill. Consider my privilege acknowledged! I haven't done ribs in a while, last few times I used the 3-2-1 method over lower heat (~225). Sometimes they don't need the full last hour.
  11. I guess I don't know what 'keep politics out of the NFL' really means. Every business engages in politics in one way or another. No reason for the NFL to not act like any number of other large businesses do when it comes to making social statements. I don't see where there is much politics on display during the game. And once off the field, athletes and other entertainers are entitled to their opinions like anyone else. Because of their celebrity, those people have a much wider audience than most people, and yes, some people confuse having a wide audience with having an informed and intelligence opinion. Of course, some of people who have a wide audience are informed and intelligent. Some are not. (Same with the people who don't have a wide audience). But everyone has the choice to not listen if they don't wish to hear another's opinion, so if it bothers you, just tune in at kickoff and tune out at the final whistle and don't watch ESPN or follow social media.
  12. I’m sure — just like everyone else — he didn’t read it. Much less write it. Even the Greg Parsons Project can manage Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V without too much effort.
  13. 1. People have families and jobs and lives. Spending all day getting worked up about “race” is pretty far down the list of priorities. And not just for white people.
  14. Great. Four more years of mass hysteria.....or elect a dementia-ridden puppet. Awesome choice.
  15. Go further. Why is healthcare the responsibility of employers? I have literally picked health plans for the employees at my companies several times. I'm an accountant by trade. How does that make sense? People should purchase health insurance individually with appropriate government oversight to prevent cherry picking. Gov't plans can pick up the slack for those who fall between the cracks (which they already do in huge numbers for the unemployed, non-FTEs, etc). Putting further burden on private employers is a band-aid, not a cure. Also, police unions are a popular target these days and rightly so. Again, go further. Why do we have public unions at all? Their main purpose is to perpetuate the cycle of corrupt money flowing between entrenched government officials and giant organizations that put their own needs far ahead of the public. I bring this up because, as noted above, the core issue here is deeper than just race, it's about poverty. If you really want to reduce poverty, you must teach people how to overcome it. Our education system doesn't make any attempt to do that. If it did, financial literacy would be taught in every grade from Kindergarten through Senior year. But no one wants that because an intelligent populous threatens entrenched powers. So what will we do for poor people out of all this? Probably give them a bigger child tax credit, which will lift no one out of poverty. Another band-aid instead of a cure.
  16. Next up....Sting announces he has renamed his old band "The Community Organizers"
  17. I do love how all my liberal friends now make a point of saying they spent the day at a peaceful protest. So nice of them to make that clear.
  18. Pro Tip for the Greg Parsons Project: trolling is usually more effective if you are able to inject a little subtlety into the act.
  19. Oh I agree that both sects were/are real. But the morons on this board now scream 'alt-right' at anyone who's right of the Clinton/Biden wing, just as dolts like RCow were screaming 'neo-con' at everyone back in 2004.
  20. Of course he doesn’t have a definition. The simple minded just use the latest cool term they saw online to lump together everyone who doesn’t reflexively regurgitate the ‘orange man bad’ narrative at every opportunity. 15 years ago the term was ‘neo-con’, today it’s ‘alt-right’.
  21. In theory yes, but it would take about 20 minutes before a social worker was beaten to death on a call by some low-rent scumbag. But we can pretend those problems don't exist so long as we can call the police to deal with it. The problem is none of the libs here (or at least none of the half dozen or so who spam here regularly) have an actual POV. They are just click monkeys.
  22. It was a pretty gentle shove. They attempted to do him a favor by not arresting him and there was no apparent intent to knock him to the ground. They probably figured the video of them arresting the guy would be what triggered all the outrage (and it likely would have in the current environment). If we are to expect better from the cops (and we certainly should), we need to expect better from the citizens. Being an activist doesn't bestow one the right to interfere with the police.
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