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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Thankfully their QB choked with the game on the line both times.
  2. "animal genocide" Thank God I don't have to deal with those nuts in Calif.....oh, wait. Never mind.
  3. He will? Won't a beer pipeline cut into his business?
  4. Wait a sec...does this mean I can vote for Bernie next week?
  5. Absolutely the opposite, because Fitz won't have what he wants -- the recognition that he was ever anything more than a low-end, journeymen QB. Who will be in a better spot at Christmas? Not the guy who just watched his lifelong dream slip away and has the rest of his life to stew over it. $40M and a Harvard degree isn't going to remove that sting quickly. Meanwhile, if the Jets slip to 6-10 with Geno this season......so what? Why do you think that be the end of days? It's not like this team was a step away from a Super Bowl last season. Will the Jets not still be a top 5 team in attendance? Will Woodie Johnson not still be a hundred times richer than Fitz? Will it matter that a 47 year championship drought goes to 48 years? Really -- what do the Jets lose by starting Geno and missing the the playoffs in 2016? And it's not like missing the playoffs isn't the most likely outcome anyway, even with Fitz! He couldn't deliver last year so why the assumption he'll do better than his career best season this year? The tail isn't wagging the dog here. As I've said all along, the Jets want him back but aren't going to overpay for a guy who has no other options.
  6. Why would Fitz end up taking any discount if the Jets had zero leverage? Wouldn't that be evidence the Jets had plenty of leverage? I'd think no leverage would mean Fitz had a 3 year/$50M contract in his pocket. The reality is both side have equal leverage. In any sort of negotiation, the more unequal the leverage, the quicker the other side caves. In this case, it's very even so neither side is giving in. Yes Fitz has leverage because plan B for the Jets is not appealing. That's pretty clear. However, the Jets have leverage two ways. First, they are not competing with anyone for his services, thus they have the luxury of waiting him out. Second and more importantly, because there are no other starting QB jobs available, Fitz only wants to play for the Jets. Threats of retirement or signing as a backup out of spite are negotiating ploys. Fitz is desperate to lead a team to the playoffs as a starting QB. So in summary, the Jets DO have a choice, just not a good one. Fitz doesn't, unless he's prepared to walk away from his career goals (which he would have done by now if he really didn't care). Unlike the team's, his decision is personal, not corporate which IMO make it much tougher on him to win the stare down contest. As a Bills fan, I wish they'd pay him $20M, but I think the $12M number is about where it will end up.
  7. Isn't he another Jets retread?
  8. Followed by the always popular "I want to play the Pats at their best!"
  9. It sounds like what's going on is teenagers acting like teenagers and adults hysterically overreacting.
  10. The problem is here: 'Uniform opposition' to a liberal president is worthless; we've had that for the last 8 years and gotten nothing but bad press out of it. Conservatism has already been discredited because of the impression (real or media-created) it doesn't stand for anything except Bible-thumper social issues and opposition to minorities. Conversely, Obama's most important achievement is the resuscitation of liberalism. He embraced it and he won big. The GOP needs something to embrace. The upshot is the party needs to move to the center, not further to the right. They need to get past the fear of "alienating the base" and have a major shake up to reclaim middle ground voters, Dems who realize their party has been hijacked by the far left, and voters who feel disenfranchised by the power structure of both parties. Trump obviously isn't the ideal choice, but he's tapped into something the GOP hasn't seen in decades. If electing Trump is what's required to drive the evolution of the GOP, so be it. I'd like to think the GOP will have learned it's lesson regardless of the outcome in November and come up with some kind of plan other than 'maybe Hillary will fall flat on her face', but I'm skeptical until I see the evidence.
  11. Yes, the DoD needs to be cut significantly along with the rest of the federal budget. Starting with this loon. I always though punishments should also act as deterrents. $1000 and a few hours of community service isn't much of either.
  12. So what was the complaint, that the student didn't get to drink real urine??
  13. So he's pretty much just like the NY Times.
  14. If there's anything that makes me feel even worse after a bad Mets loss, it's listening to a few minutes of Joe and Evan the next day. Woo-hoo!
  15. "Son, it's time you learned how to share like a man."
  16. Hmmm....which one will be the victim? Please let us know by indicating the other as 'white'.
  17. Until the country sees him playing and playing well in a playoff game, that is going to be the general consensus outside WNY.
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