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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. That's the trick. The 'area like this' is Florida and those animals live there too. The entire Disney area is dotted with waterways. By the accounts I've read, Disney is very active in managing the issue but I can easily understand how it would be almost impossible to have a 100% success rate at keeping gators away from their resorts. And no, you can't blame a family on vacation from Nebraska.
  2. And yet here you are! RIP. ALF was awesome.
  3. Mostly because no matter how mediocre they were, there is always some cadre who clings to the notion the player was underappreciated by Bills fans.
  4. That's about the worst thing I ever heard. I can't really even think about it in any detail. Not the kind of thing that is supposed to go down on a Disney vacation. We stayed at that same resort last year.
  5. Punching a guy in the nuts is a widely accepted response? I'm only barely following this because the Warriors are now my local team, but even I know Green is a punk who got away without being suspended for longer than he should have in these playoffs. Yup. That usually works in sports.
  6. As long as we're getting deep into the 80s.....
  7. This election really comes down to one thing and one thing only: Whose egotistical face would you rather see forced to give the concession speech?
  8. Coldplay is firmly in the "I wouldn't pay for their music but I don't change the station if they come on the radio" category.
  9. The headline I saw just said 'Bills sign OT Martin' and for a moment I thought today might be one of the legendary days in TSW history.
  10. But not on Monday. Definitely not on Monday.
  11. I didn't even know there was a speed limit online.
  12. That's pig-faced fat-ass, right?
  13. Holy Man Card violation, Batman! At least give us Starlight Vocal Band or Minnie Riperton.
  14. Considering the IQ of the average MSN employee (and reader) is about 65, I can't say I'm surprised.
  15. Cool. That'll knock ten minutes off my Rhetatta recipe time.
  16. Gary Numan - Cars I actually heard this one on the all 80s station driving to the ferry yesterday.
  17. Excellent choice. Another from the same era that I'd include is Year of the Cat. Al Stewart had other songs, but none close to that.
  18. seriously? I know some women who are into their college teams, but if I made a list of the hundred biggest NFL fans I know there probably wouldn't be a single woman on the list. And even for those who are fans, how many want to spend their time here, where it's overwhelmingly guys arguing about Rex's defense or Fitz's contract or commenting on Hot for Teacher threads? AiO, Cablelady and a few of our other past and present women posters are rare gems. P.s. Why delete the other thread? Just because some differences of opinion crept in? Can't agree with that decision. Thats a topic worth discussing.
  19. This is worth posting for the headline alone. http://nypost.com/2016/06/08/bad-news-for-new-yorkers-who-hate-cyclists-tourists-people-in-general/
  20. I noticed last night that all the House races were combined primaries, essentially means that in most of them two Dems will run against each other in Nov. Is that right? I don't speak it very well (my accent is terrible), but I can follow Old NY Jew pretty well.
  21. I went to bed last night before Bernie spoke. What did he say? Conciliatory or still defiant?
  22. Yes it was, but I find this a little hard to believe: That would be the first time in recorded history that nine cyclists all stayed in the shoulder.
  23. We probably wouldn't have 50 'united' states if there had not been a compromise way back on how the power was distributed. So? 2000 Pres race Wisconsin vote 1,242,987 Gore won all 11 Electoral votes 1,237,279 Bush 0 Electoral votes
  24. Shady doesn't owe me or anyone else (especially the idiot who wrote this article) any apology and I don't see how it benefits the Bills to force one of their players to answer a bunch of idiotic questions from a bunch of self-serving hypocrites.
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