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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yeah, I think this idiot is missing the point. It's not the police who are deescalating those situations. If a white guy ignores a cops' directions and tries to grab his gun, guess what happens?
  2. I happened to be in the car and heard a good portion of his interview. As usual, one soundbite doesn't tell the whole story. Barkley's point was primarily that he respected guys (and thought it better for the league) who worked to build a championship team rather than jumping to an existing one. Barkley should never shut up. He's one of the few guys who tells it like it is.
  3. Now that is friggin funny.
  4. 30 * 128 oz / 12 = 320 beers. Heck, that's less than one a day. Who's not keeping up with that?
  5. Agreed you can't blame the player because each measures success in his own way. It's just a lame evolution of the league. And let's just not be in a rush to crown Durant an all time great when he wins a title with a team that was already the best in the league. If he was truly great he would have done it with his own team.
  6. Bingo. I finally got a chance to watch it all. This was a terrific documentary, fascinating in so many aspects; the irony of "I'm not black" OJ becoming the poster child for black justice in LA, how his lawyers were able to leverage that to defeat a slam dunk case, and especially his personality -- his insatiable need for adoration and self aggrandizement which he fulfilled with this combination of universal appeal that attracted people at all levels of society and resulted in him being even more famous after football, and a dark side capable of the frequent abuse and horrific crimes he committed. I came away thinking there really is a psychopathic aspect to his nature; his steadfastness in his innocence (shouting his innocence at Gill Garcetti on TV after his acquittal) combined with bouts of near confession (the 'suicide note', the book, etc) -- really eerie. And even after the trial and after most of society has shunned him entirely, he was still able to connect with people. He was still able to be OJ, albeit with a smaller and lower audience. I think the Esquire reporter summed it up perfectly when she said she never believed he was not guilty, but she came to understand how badly people wanted to believe that.
  7. If not 2 or 3. Marv was another cheap hire by Ralph. Imagine this place upon the hiring a guy with a .425 winning % and no playoffs on his resume.
  8. Everyone's gotta learn that one the hard way!
  9. Meanwhile in CA...... http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-sac-essential-politics-updates-gov-brown-signs-six-gun-control-bills-1467394282-htmlstory.html
  10. Does this mean the Bills aren't going to cut him?
  11. Well, other than my safe space, right?
  12. Yeah really, I thought we were talking about me in this thread!
  13. wah wah, wah wah wah.
  14. No, no. Chef Jim was busy being convicted of assault. Turns out he's an avid member of the spandex mafia! http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-critical-mass-bicyclist-conviction-san-francisco-assault-20160627-snap-story.html
  15. Kerry is a charter member of the Asshat HOF, but he's right. There are a lot of fine points to hammer out on this 'exit', there is no template to follow, and despite the posturing of the idiots in Brussels, no decisions are "irreversible". So I could see it ending up as a very gradual move to a hybrid/partial exit. He was in Vietnam you know.
  16. So the author is decrying the shift from an investment in the future mentality to an entitlement mentality at the same time he is whining about people voting for the alternative to the candidate who represents the past 30 years of such policy?
  17. Smart investors made a killing this week off the overreactions of stupid people. Oh wait, that's not a change.
  18. Ronnie !@#$ing Harmon, giving up a kick off return TD, and the fact I was watching that game with my college roommate who was from Cleveland.
  19. No worries, they'll have appointed all the judges by then.
  20. Big and round. Hell yeah! (( )Y( ))
  21. Don't call me stupid.
  22. A good Michigan team is good for college football. I miss rooting against them.
  23. Jaylon playing in 2016 has never been remotely possible IMO. But if it's true the nerve regeneration is not progressing that is distressing news as far as his prospects for ever getting on the field.
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