What's 'disappointing' about a factually correct statement?
And wasn't the lawsuit filed before they even bought the team? A class action has to run its course, there's no reason for Pegula to try to throw money at them. If the NYS DOL wants to puff up its chest and ruin an arrangement that worked for 99% of the people involved, so be it. The lawyers will get paid, every cheerleader for the last 30 years will get $6.72 and we'll be done with it. Certainly the team has no interest in putting 50 more employees on the books, paying them benefits, tracking their sick days, etc., etc.
Cheerleaders in football are silly anyway. They stand on the sideline far from the action, out of sight and mind of almost the entire crowd. In the NBA it's part of the show. They are out there in the middle of the floor every time out and the fans are just a few feet away.
And not to mention, we have a female owner. I'm guessing she's not in a rush to put a T&A show back on the sideline. We've seen our last Jill.