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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Is this true? Do the stats support this conclusion?
  2. I'm curious, what is this based on? I'd also be interested to hear your thoughts on Obama and the left's track record on race relations these past 8 years.
  3. He may be, but not because of that. Without question there will be rigging at a local level. And in a tight election you really only need to identify a handful of toss up districts (which is now easy to do with Big Data), to rig and you can sway the election. This is what the Dems claimed happened after both GWB wins. The reason those claims weren't credible then but might be this year is because you have near universal opposition to Trump among the political elite, right or left. And that's when **** get rigged. If Trump had been the GOP candidate in 2000 you better believe the Dems' attempt to rig Florida post-election would have succeeded because the GOP wouldn't have stopped them.
  4. Above: Rex & Rob Ryan Below: Haters Go Bills!
  5. But....corrections officers said she WAS in fact wearing pants. So where's the story? Oh right...the real story is that some arrogant judge needed something to lash out at that particular day. Our country's ability to be "outraged" at the mundane and ability to classify minor annoyances as "inhumane" is frightening.
  6. One of the good things about Hillary winning would be never having to see that hideous fake laugh ever again.
  7. The first six weeks I was in San Francisco it was Bernie > Hillary + Trump by infinity to zero. Then 2 days before the primary the real money showed up and there were Hillary gatherings on street corners all over the place. Since the primary? Back to Bernie.
  8. I have little basis to judge her competence at this stage, but considering she's 18 years younger than Terry, there's a good chance she may be the sole owner one day. Therefore I'm very happy she's heavily involved.
  9. I agree. A lot of people seem to think Karlos is going to step in week 5 and look like the same guy from last year. That's an assumption the team can't afford to make.
  10. Yup; the left wing echo chamber has become deafening over these past 15 years. From the NY Times to the network news to the Daily Show (other others) to HuffPo/Vox/Salon/etc. to the endless Facebook posts, it just goes around and around until the affected people not only have no (*gasp*) tolerance for anyone who is out of lock-step, they can't even muster any tolerance for attempting to understand why anyone might not want to be in lock-step. But I'm sure they all "know" that JFK was a far left winger.
  11. No one?? Come on, there must be more than this.
  12. I think you've been around long enough to know the answer to that. This is exactly the kind of thread she pops up with every few months, unless there is a Republican president in which case she does it every few days. Most of them feature Sarah Palin so at least she's expanding her material.
  13. Sure there is....if you have the time and patience and don't mind the lack of cash flow while you build a customer base and you can afford to build an infrastructure to handle things when you succeed in getting lots of customers. You know, it's called starting your own business. Of course when you successfully do that, be prepared to have a bunch of whiners come out of the woodwork to complain about something you're doing 'wrong'!
  14. My brother has worked there for 20 years between active duty and post-retirement consulting.
  15. I guess comrade Hugo forgot to include the zoo animals in his glorious reforms that brought so much prosperity to the people of Venezuela.
  16. I wouldn't at all and that's my point. The average NYC cab driver would probably be a 1.8. But if his job depended on it, his attitude and the cleanliness of his shitmobile would change a whole lot, pretty much just like any other person in any other job. People who have no fear of losing their jobs generally suck at them. I'm sure Uber understands that one out of every ten guys that gets in an Uber is a total !@#$ who's going to give out a `1' just because he can. My guess is almost every Uber driver has primarily '5's, a few '1' and overall there are few 2, 3, and 4s given.
  17. That is funny....usually some nutjob would be all over this so they could try to imply that anyone who's not in lock step with the left wing is a neo-nazi.
  18. Kind makes you wonder how much of the LGBTWLCQC vote Trump could have pulled if he made a different choice for VP.
  19. I have a license so I assume I am. Or is the 'motor voter' law only for Democrats?
  20. Exactly...it's a better mousetrap, simple as that. Why people would continue to cling to some archaic 'taxi' model with its high prices and horrible service, protected by government crooks who are paid off with the extra $ you were charged, is beyond me. The only time I took a cab in the last year the guy ripped me off for a few bucks with the standard "I don't have change for a $20" scam. Yeah, right. Conversely, virtually every Uber driver I've had has been friendly and engaging (especially in San Fran). And why is that? Oh right, one model allows passengers to rate their drivers, the other doesn't. I'm pretty sure CommonSense's 4.5 rating would put him in the top 5% of NYC cab drivers. Sign me up for the Uber model where I don't need to worry what if anything I have in my wallet. A couple of clicks on my phone and I'm home.
  21. Seems like they could find somewhere closer than New Jersey.
  22. Pretty sure I"m going to vote for 'not showing up an hour late to work on a Tuesday'.
  23. How about hotter first lady (hint: one of them might be NSFW)? http://images.closerweekly.com/uploads/posts/image/52886/bill-clinton.jpg http://nypost.com/2016/07/30/melania-trump-like-youve-never-seen-her-before/
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