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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. It's on the team's facebook page.
  2. That was fun seeing how excited she was; good for her. And it was a great race. Both Manuel and the girl who tied her came from behind very late.
  3. Screw that, we want our fancy cheese.
  4. Pretty damn impressive pulling away from a world class field like that over the last 75m
  5. I recall a lot of people whining about Talib in the Super Bowl too.
  6. If he is trolling, he sure is reeling in the suckers.
  7. By the way, whatever happened with the two idiots from the Bengals who blew that playoff game? Did either of them get suspended?
  8. Jesus could have given him a run in the 200 IM if his backstroke was any good. It's gotta be a little maddening to be as good as Lochte and still be second banana in your sport. Seems like Phelps beats him every time it's heads up.
  9. Exactly. Salmon is out. You have to go with the Nantucket Red shorts.
  10. This year? No one. No chance. They'll win it by 3 games as usual.
  11. And people look at me funny when I tell them I could easily find several million people in the US who deserve to be executed.
  12. That's perfect, and I'm going to think about that line every time I see him play this year.
  13. Exactly. Baseball stars are all regional because that's how the games are broadcast. NFL and NBA are more nationally focused.
  14. That sucks. Smart, funny, honest, direct. He's been the best thing in sports media since Dick Schaap died. RIP
  15. Don't flatter yourself, we argued about Fitz for 50-some pages. And yes, when it comes to a legacy of cheating you may as well be called the New England ARods.
  16. If you load up all the pockets in cargo shorts, they are pretty damn uncomfortable anyway. So, no.
  17. Yup. Yankee fans hate him because he's not Jeter, but he didn't do anything that Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, McGuire and the rest did.
  18. He may have tagged a few. ARod got around quite a bit. It's quite a change from the ending the Yankees anticipated when they gave him that contract. The chase to 700 should have been a huge deal, instead they cut him 4 short.
  19. And he had a lip out on the back nine! Really impressive for a guy who is 46.
  20. 5 hours?!? Good grief. I watched it for about ten minutes and was bored.
  21. I got to enjoy the last 4 hours of vacation on a spectacular day -- watching the sun set over Cape Cod bay while the kids built a beach fire.
  22. Maybe Richard Pryor will inherit $300MM and spend it convincing everyone to vote for 'None of the Above'.
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