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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Yeah but they can afford 'just a little bit more'.
  2. Mark Sanchez could have QBs the Cowboys to wins in those games.
  3. And the cover that they are only concerned with stopping the 'dangerous' Trump is pure bullsh--. Shitbags like Krugman would be writing the same stuff if it was Jeb Bush or Cruz or anyone else on the GOP ticket. Just like he's been doing for decades.
  4. Just the ones with huge asses.
  5. I love to see that on a pair of Kaepernick's socks.
  6. To me Madden started off that way; energetic, knowledgeable and slightly entertaining. Then he realized he could get a LOT more endorsements if he focused solely on the 'entertaining' part. And I think Gruden has followed the same path.
  7. Good commentary is like a good martini -- a little dry. I don't get the dislike of Aikman; he's knowledgeable and consistent. His job is to inform me, not entertain me. Conversely, buffoons like Gruden or Theeesman are horrible to listen to. Fixed
  8. I thought '20 point lead' for Hillary was the current conventional wisdom.
  9. Hahaha....we heard about that. A few relatives had the ghost of no hot water, but otherwise nothing too scary. I can see that. There didn't seem to be much else but industrial/shipping stuff on that side of the bay. I was surprised there were so many day tourists around.
  10. Seriously. He wasn't talking about Dutchess or Orange.
  11. We stayed on the Queen Mary which might be the best example of the intersection between classy and trashy I've seen. The highlight was seeing the 3 chunky millennial girls in the elevator who were dressed as thought they were on the way to an I Dream of Jeanie porn convention. That's really the only way I can think to describe their attire. It was my kids' first wedding. My 7 year old had a blast. I don't think she had ever seen adults partying loudly before.
  12. Has he handed in his resignation yet?
  13. Can a mod please add a board filter that changes "Tom Brady" to "whiny B word", because honestly, the guy is the absolutely definition of the term. And I love knowing that he is pissed off enough to be that petty. Suck it, you cheating a--hole.
  14. Any y'all in the path of the hurricane? I keep getting text updates from NYC about it.
  15. Responses like this is what keeps me coming back here.
  16. I really miss Tim Russert.
  17. Yup; I saw several "melt steel" references online yesterday.
  18. Well this would have been helpful info to have in the OP.
  19. You can tell by the announcing crews. Bills have their usual with Spero and Solomon so that won't be on anywhere outside the local markets.
  20. Were the windows on the projectile blacked out?
  21. Is that the same as pulling absurd nonsense out of his ass? If someone was desperate enough to offer a 3d the Bills would jump all over it. Even that won't happen.
  22. Sorry, but I wish he had smashed her teeth in with brass knuckles. !@#$ing !@#$.
  23. What a deep thinking, socially aware citizen!
  24. Oops. That explosion was way cooler than people in Africa getting Facebook anyway.
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