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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Or revenue generating teams. Let's be honest, the NFL absolutely wants teams like NE, Pittsburgh, and Green Bay in the playoffs year in and year out.
  2. When it comes to cheap flags, it's like Brady is still out there! Cam Newton must be shaking what's left of his head.
  3. Obviously it depends on the situation, but I agree with the concept that automatically calling a TO to save the five yards is misguided.
  4. I can't believe anyone thought otherwise. They had the entire camp and preseason to get him ready. That's what competent coaches do, they get the next man up ready to play. Just another 12+ win season for the Pats*
  5. Does the DNC machine have the look-a-like ready to step in when Hillary drops dead or has a stroke?
  6. In the aftermath Even pessimists like me Can only shake heads
  7. Yup, thought that since his rookie year. Great win for him today.
  8. That was a great game. Saints kicker just misses the 61 yarder at the end.
  9. Oakland-NO has been a highly entertaining game.
  10. Welcome back Trent Edwards!!
  11. I was heads down at my desk on the 15th floor of a building on Park Place (near Church - two blocks north of the North Tower) getting the final deck ready for that morning's board meeting; my north facing window open as it usually was on such a spectacular summer day. Had I looked out my window exactly 15 years ago, I would have seen the plane that seconds later I heard roaring past; it was quite notable as jets don't buzz NYC very often. That thought lingered only a moment before I heard (and felt) the explosion as it struck the building. After 15 minutes of stunned gaping at the hole in the tower from our conference room, we went into evacuation mode after the second plane hit. Anticipating the closure of major transportation systems, I headed immediately to the subway and made it to Grand Central in time to catch the 10:07 out of the city. Spent the afternoon with a friend sitting at an outdoor table at a bar in Norwalk, CT, far, far away from any televisions. Didn't have the stomach for that until later that evening.
  12. It's certainly possible. Social change doesn't happen on a roadmap. Certain specific events get noticed and push issues forward. You never know which events those might be. And I don't think it got much attention this week outside of Bills fandom.
  13. I presume it means ensuring we have enough safe spaces for Trump supporters here in San Fran and requiring local radio here to offer equal programming time to conservatives.
  14. I wish they had appealed it; just because it would have raised the public consciousness of the issue and been one step on the long road to getting rid of these absurd suspensions for smoking pot.
  15. Here's another one (though I kinda liked it). http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2016/09/09/Walmart-Coke-apologize-for-Sept-11-themed-display-at-Florida-store/8671473447318/ We'll make this the 'offended over anything 9-11' thread.
  16. But they have evil on their side. Evil is very tough to beat.
  17. Yup...I took a flier on Arian Foster in both my fantasy leagues.
  18. Optimism reigns Then, reality appears Seventeen years, soon.
  19. Everyone is always surprised by these things, but here's the math from the national viewpoint: 2015: 9-7 plus: not much (no major FA signings, draft class is a hosipital ward) minus: 4 game suspension for top defender minus: top pass rusher now in Miami minus: last year's surprisingly successful backup RB cut = 2016: 8-8 No one is going to bank on TT being better, McCoy being healthy, Watkins playing a full season, the defense gelling, etc. until they see it on the field.
  20. Good grief...I guess if ruining football if the goal. Now we're going to have the refs stop the game every play to decide if someone got hit too hard and should be thrown out of the game? Well he could slide; you know, that rule they put in years ago to protect QBs from taking shots. If instead he wants to try to run over guys, that's his choice, but he's going to get hit.
  21. Lock this animal in a cage before he kills someone please.
  22. Let's not leave the impression Newton is treated differently than 90% of the other quarterbacks in the league. And since when has the NFL ever ejected someone for a hit during a play?
  23. Did Newton pout his way through the press conference again?
  24. I've actually never heard the guy try to cram anything down anyone's throat. I didn't understand the blind obsession with his (obvious lack of) skills as a QB coming out of college and I've never understood the anger directed at him. If you don't click on Tebow links and you don't watch SportsCenter, you'll actually hear very little about the guy, no matter what he's doing.
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