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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. https://pacificsun.com/sleeper-cells/ https://techcrunch.com/2018/09/10/bay-area-city-blocks-5g-deployments-over-cancer-concerns/ We were also among the nation's leaders in refusing vaccinations, before they changed the school requirements. Yet we just love to preach about how 'science-based' we are when it comes to guessing what the average global temps will be in a hundred years.
  2. Living in the most peaceful and prosperous times in human history?
  3. Try again to educate you about pizza? Naah....you seem happy with your Papa Johns. Enjoy! It took me a little while to find the proper Italians when I came out to CA, but have been pretty happy with the pizza selection since then.
  4. "Just about every" poster here (other than Scott) has long since moved past the juvenile and inaccurate characterization of Beane/McD chasing every former Panther.
  5. IIRC, Tampa lost their first 26 games after joining the league. I further recall their first win came against the Cardinals. One of my friends in grade school at the time was a Cards fan and we all had a lot of fun at his expense the following Monday.
  6. I had to sign a waiver to play tennis this morning. Not a whole lot of interaction within six feet in that game. It’s just CYA so you can’t sue someone for getting COVID. You’ll probably need to start signing them to enter buildings once the lockdown ends.
  7. Uh....what crust? Looks like they cut off the crust then put it back in the oven. Or else they got it from Dominos or somewhere. When we say 'sauce/topping to the edge', people who are not insane mean 'to the edge of where the crust starts', as in this photo of a pizza with an actual crust.
  8. There was a big lotto winner in Greenwich, CT years ago.....a group of hedge fund guys. I always suspected the real winner cut a deal with those guys to let them manage the money (for a nice fee) if they stood in front of the cameras. That type of thing would seem to be the smart play.
  9. Pizza that cost $24 and has lettuce. Right up your alley!
  10. Wouldn’t want to live in the middle of Queens at any price.
  11. I did pretty well on Reddit last year streaming games to my tablet or phone, but I think that may have been disrupted. You have an app that gets int'l feed?
  12. I rarely go to games and never spend money on those other things. As always I'll tune in well after all the singing and other nonsense is over and turn it off at the final whistle.
  13. There's a black National Anthem? Learn something new every day. Don't really care and if it makes the players happy (did they ask the players?) that's all fine, though it does seem like just more virtue signaling.
  14. You really think the Democrats are going to let him debate Trump?
  15. They were just explaining why they needed a safe space.
  16. Come out to Marin County, proudly carrying the 5G-conspiracy nut banner! We've already banned 5G here (because we're, you know, so 'pro-science').
  17. I remember him. Poster boy for how not to act after you win the lottery, starting with the very next day by going on 'morning shows'.
  18. Leave the Mets alone!!! https://mlb.nbcsports.com/2020/07/01/reminder-bobby-bonillas-payments-from-the-mets-arent-mockworthy/
  19. As I keep asking, when are we going to come to grips with the racist and cruel to animals past of one "Buffalo Bill" Cody and demand the Pegulas change the team name?
  20. Exactly. Packing tens of thousands of people in stadiums is the very last step of the recovery. Having fans in 2021 may be in doubt.
  21. It's not losing fast enough!!
  22. He hasn't been close to being a top 10 passer since the SB, so to get to that level he needs to be an effective runner. But is that still realistic at 31 after all the hits he's absorbed? I'm not buying it. He'll have his moments, but NE* fans used to seeing a weekly miracle are going to be disappointed.
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