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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. The scouting report from local SF sports radio is "This team is a !@#$ing disaster".
  2. God yes. We're still years away from this being a serious question.
  3. And yet you'll find no shortage of posters who think players should have fully guaranteed contracts.
  4. Someone just offered me Brady for Cam. At this stage I'm wondering who has a longer career in front of them!
  5. I don't think the Republicans have played a hand well since Lee Atwater died.
  6. Let's hope the taxpayers can cough up some extra money so this hard working public servant can get the help she needs to deal with whatever was preventing her from feeling empowered to do her job!
  7. More likely they would have posted about their 'outrage' on facebook, but I get your point.
  8. Absolutely; since the first episode. It's my favorite show on TV.
  9. I think the Jays are a better team to watch but agree Cleveland is going to draw more ratings. I don't think anyone has suggested otherwise. Cubs have been in the NLCS several times since 1945, including last year.
  10. Great stuff. Bravo.
  11. Like I said, Cubbies are on cruise control. Aside from being astounded the Giants of all teams coughed up that lead, I was pleasently surprised to learn the last time anyone rallied from 3 down in the ninth in the playoffs was the Mets in the epic Game 6 in Houston.
  12. Surprise meter registering at zero. Come on, it's the NY Times. To be any less transparent they'd have to be Mother Jones.
  13. Poor Cubs....you can see this meltdown happening step by step. Can't you already see the shocked, sad faces in Wrigley on Thursday night in the ninth inning of a 7-2 Giants win?
  14. He's just trying to be like every other segment of society. Someone should calculate the total productivity cost of Americans whining about Donald Trump over the past six months.
  15. We also use an Apple TV hook up to make anything on the phone/Ipad play on the TV. Kids love it; they make their own movies on some app and project it on the big screen.
  16. Same here. YouTube, Pandora, Netflix, VuDu etc. Makes life easy.
  17. How about Larry the Apple Store Authorized Genius Bar Service Provider?
  18. Amazing how many people can completely pretend that reality doesn't apply to them or anyone else, except Donald Trump. The guy is a nut and in no way should be President, but it was all I could do to not laugh out loud yesterday listening to the usual 'well this should finish him for sure' conversation. And yeah, Hillary being aghast at such talk is one of the most hysterically ironic things I've seen on this campaign.
  19. #leverage #recordsettingquarterback #playoffs
  20. Think about it folks....if Brady is POTUS he can't play QB anymore. Plus it means neither Hillary or Trump is President. That's pretty much good for everybody. Only downside is the first lady wouldn't be as hot as Melinda or Bill.
  21. Oh look, a big NYT story about how it's all falling apart for Donald Trump. There's something you hardly ever see. Next thing you know my Facebook feed will have a bunch of anti-Trump posts!
  22. Goodness, that would make a fine harem.
  23. Jeffrey Maier; guy is still a celeb in NY for that play.
  24. He's underappreciated (outside of SF). He's on track to go down as one of best big game pitchers ever. Is there anyone else you'd even consider over him in a Game 7?
  25. Now I want to blow off work on Thursday and go!
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