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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Wow....if those are true, what else does he need? He got Utah. Does this come down to NH and AZ? Really, a tie would be just super fun.
  2. Yeah, I didn't understand that either. FL looks like it's been over for an hour.
  3. CNN initially kept OR and WA in the too close to call column which I found pretty shocking. It's clear she's not performing up to expectations anywhere. I'm starting see some Facebook meltdown on the fringes but I assume most of those who have posted there non-stop for the last six months are still glued to the set. I just opened a bottle of wine since this may go on for a while.
  4. Maybe if Trump was 100K ahead in PA instead of behind, but as of right now his margin for error is still almost zero, so it's a toss up if not a slight Clinton advantage. Times putting out complete bullsh-- as usual. Seems like too big a margin to overcome to me, but that would certainly swing the election.
  5. Anyone who feels that way has never watched a loved one literally starved to death (since that is the current 'humane' option).
  6. Not there yet. She can still pull out MI and WI and be right back on track. But yeah, that would be sweeter than the final two minutes of a Pats* playoff loss.
  7. This might be the best result of the night. People who are against assisted suicide can shampoo my crotch. It was looking close for a while but it's all DC 'burbs coming in now.
  8. I wish RCow was here to post his locked in predictions.
  9. Not from you it doesn't. As for caps locks, not necessary. All your posts read that way anyway. Yep. People are acting like Wilson threw for 400 yards.
  10. I understand the frustration with the outcome, but I can't believe people who watched Wilson throw two perfect TD passes to a blanketed Graham (who had to make one handed catches on both!!) will sit there and rail about the coverage even into the next day. It's just as ridiculous as it was when people ripped Revis for the Goodwin TD which was probably the best throw TT ever made in his life.
  11. When is it the players fault? Or are they are just robots being programmed by coaches and if they fail it's because the program was wrong?
  12. This.....followed by Sherman knocking little punk Edelman into next month. Edelman hate is the deepest hate of all.
  13. Of course they care. They care very much the teams and stars and names that casual fans are most familiar with (and of course large TV markets) are playing in January. Seattle / Wilson / Sherman > Buffalo / Taylor / McCoy NFL dream playoffs would always include NE, Pittsburgh, Miami, Giants, Dallas, Philly, Seattle, GB, etc.
  14. Am I the only one who noticed the much maligned defense gave up a grand total of 3 points in the second half? I guess this week's Rex criticism won't include "he can't make halftime adjustments".
  15. Good post. The front 7 was really awful last night, wasn't it?
  16. And replace him with who? This is as good a team as the Bills have fielded in many years. They are restricted on offense by the limitations of their QB and quality of their WRs and they are figuring out how to manage that -- and they did pretty well last night against a very good defense. On defense their starting CBs have under-performed, their top two draft picks were hurt, and their best player decided to take the year off. Despite that they have held it together. They are not that far away; 7 more yards last night and this morning we're calling this the best win for the franchise since Fitz beat NE. The last thing they need is another big upheaval.
  17. LOL.....Yup. The majority of Bills teams over the last 17 years would have been blown out in that game. It's a shame they couldn't pull it out but they showed a lot. In the end average passer + backup WRs + very good pass defense = very difficult to score through the air from the ten yard line.
  18. Well the ref was a full six feet away from them so you can understand how he missed the call.
  19. Exactly. Complete with the huge special teams play, the inspired play of the more maligned side of the ball, and the crushing defeat in the final seconds. You can set your watch by it.
  20. Yes, this team is painfully slow at running a two minute drill. 50 yards seems like a long way to go for this team in 2:00.
  21. It's been a long time since his USC days; he looks like he runs in mud now.
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