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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. You know, if it was almost anyone else I really wouldn't have cared, but this was pretty much on par with rooting against the Patriots in a Super Bowl. I've hated this woman for a quarter century and I'm going to see it through, dammit! p.s. CNN reporting that Hillary has conceded to Trump.
  2. AP calls election for Trump.
  3. That's fantastic. Why the hell not? The NFL sucks now, the Sabres aren't really going to be that good, what else do we have to do?
  4. Hey look....an old white guy is addressing the DNC crowd. How inclusive!
  5. Maybe that black chick from the Apprentice can fill a cabinet post. What was her name...Osamarana or something like that?
  6. Awesome. Can't wait to buy in the morning. Kudos for showing up Bob. Most of your ilk are curled up in the corner right now totally bewildered at what has transpired. p.s. NYT just called PA.
  7. NYT has PA at 99% reporting....if that was for Hillary to close it out I suspect they'd all be calling it.
  8. Yup, and good. If the early Facebook returns are any indication, they remain too arrogant to learn anything.
  9. You knew it would come eventually. That's part of the left wing arrogance, they assumed all gains were permanent. Hey, I'm hoping the NY Times is right and he gets 300.
  10. Well yeah, I know. The nastiness in this election was about 90%/10% the other way, but the fact remains the guy (or girl) who wins is (or should, unless your name is Obama), kind of obligated to go beyond the norm to reach out. I know it won't make any difference to the angry, rich left on the coasts but it might help with the poor who didn't vote for him. Especially Hispanics. By the way, what's happening in NH? Come on folks.
  11. Yup; and that's without AZ which appears to be secure.
  12. Of course, now the black guy on CNN is just talking ****. Climate changeTM and USSC nominees and 'Waah it's all Russia's fault'.
  13. That was actually really, really good. He's right. Trump did what he needed to do, but now needs to do some major fence mending. I sure hope he does a better job of it than the current President has.
  14. Macungie coming through for the Trumpster?
  15. Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton would really be concerned with showing that kind of integrity! Yup. He still has to win one of these big states that is very much in doubt. This could turn around in a hurry.
  16. Oh, there NL in Vegas on that. If Trump wins, the 'story' will immediately shift to 'voter irregularities' in PA or WI or MI (whichever ones Trump wins).
  17. By the way, are we electing Senators tonight? I haven't heard a word.
  18. CNN hasn't mentioned PA in 45 minutes. lol Yeah but I'd still like to !@#$ her.
  19. Ew. Broken hearts for Madonna, Babs and Bette are just silver linings.
  20. As someone who winged it in school way too often, I have a soft spot for that type of preparation.
  21. Thanks...I saw UT called somewhere so was assuming that. CNN is still pretty bullish on NH for Hillary.
  22. And if Trump wins, not only are we spared Hillary, but get are gifted with a huge buying opportunity on the stock market!
  23. Right now it looks like he's locked in for WI and AZ to get him to 265. That means either NH and the ME delegate, or either PA or MI.
  24. This is fantastic theater.
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