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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Anyone who has elementary school age kids who are "scared" needs to be punched in the face. The only way a child gets scared is if they listened to their idiot parents rail on and on about their ignorant Trump fantasies of deporting everyone except white men or whatever other nonsense they believe. My 7 year old daughter wanted Hillary to win too because we've never had a woman President, and she was disappointed yesterday morning. But we had a conversation about how neither candidate was a bad person and people made their choice and sometimes the person we want doesn't win. And now she's fine.
  2. It sounds like there were a lot more people like you than the media was willing to admit. They wanted us to believe everyone just forgot all about that whole rigged primary thing and lined right up behind Hillary, because you know, Trump is evilracistnazihatefulxenophobicKKKmisogynist.
  3. And now we have the protests....apparently against free and open elections....full of people repeating words they don't understand.
  4. Ok everyone, make your best Mad face on 3..... I had considered doing a poll to see which shocking and crushing defeat was more enjoyable. Then I realized I couldn't possibly choose.
  5. Sexually assault women he held authority over?
  6. So how'd this turn out today, Bob?
  7. Good. All cities should do the same.
  8. What so many fail to understand is the real backlash is what elected him.
  9. Another arrogant douchbag with egg on his face during his planned Hillary gloating special. And then has the gall to whine about too much 'poison' in the process. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/arts/television/stephen-colbert-showtime-uncomfortable-election.html?&moduleDetail=section-news-0&action=click&contentCollection=Television&region=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article
  10. Oh.....special snowflakes, it will be okay! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-to-emotionally-recover-from-the-election_us_580a5b92e4b0f8715789f9ee
  11. Which has no relevance in a contest where the winner got 30 states and >300 EC votes.
  12. She's more machine now than woman.
  13. Sure there is....the answer is, it depends. A record needs to be evaluated in context so I can't give you a hard number. If they finish 4-12 and the team clearly quits on him, than of course he should go. But I didn't see much 'quit' on Monday night.
  14. And that supreme arrogance would only have increased with a Hillary win. The left are as ungracious in victory as they are in defeat. And that largely explains my rooting interest last night.
  15. Facebook is an embarrassing assortment of self-pity, temper tantrums and wild fantasies today. Oh....and also this really bizarre thing where people keep equating Hillary Clinton with 'love and inclusion'.
  16. I'd be shocked if there was any admission outside of the fringes. They were so convinced of Hillary's coronation and so blind to the mood of the electorate, they rigged the primary for her and ran a campaign based entirely on "Trump Bad" when all along they had a popular candidate with great momentum who I'm convinced would have beaten Trump handily. Bernie must be beyond furious this morning.
  17. Nope. I've come to realize the privileged left (which makes up most of my acquaintances) are completely incapable of self examination or the ability to lower themselves to even attempt to understand the country they live in as it exists outside of a handful of major cities and suburbs.
  18. I was pretty hesitant about either of them, but I think the whole 'world is ending' reaction we're seeing from people is absurdly juvenile and ignorant of how the government works (usually very slowly and gradually). I've actually had to explain to college educated people the POTUS can't launch nuclear weapons. I don't have anything to say to people who are "scared". Scared of what, exactly? As for the USSC, I was much more afraid of Clinton radically changing the court for decades by adding two more young, far left wingers like Obama did. Trump winning keeps the court in balance. Ok, that is scary.
  19. So was that speech Hillary's kickoff for 2020?
  20. Oh yes, I almost forgot about that little silver lining. I guess Weiner's wife won't be Chief of Staff now.
  21. But...but....all the know-it-all white people told me every Latino would vote for Hillary based solely on some off-the cuff comment Trump made about a year ago. Yes, but it bares noting given the bullsh-- "Wall Street = Republicans" narrative that has been pushed so hard in recent elections and that the Democrats thought would work again. I have to be honest, I thought I would enjoy the Facebook meltdown more. It's actually sad and pathetic today. "This isn't the country I thought I knew!", "What a setback for our country", blah, blah, blah.
  22. Empire State Building goes Red. And I really wish I could have seen RCow's exit polls from this afternoon. I think that's a wrap.
  23. I'd love to see the price tag for Trump's spartan HQ room vs Hillary's hall with her map shaped coronation stage.
  24. Yes there are, and some of us thought those consequences might be realized by the most blatantly corrupt politician since Nixon. Some of us couldn't ignore the way things as staggeringly corrupt as rigging an entire primary were simply swept under the rug. Some of us didn't buy into the media fueled bullsh-- about her opponent (though no, I didn't vote for him) and the narrative of how every woman and Hispanic was supposed to oppose him. And some of us are just sick of the avalanche of vile attacks against every non-left wing candidate that has been put forth for the past two decades. The same people who vilified Romney for (correctly) stating that 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax, this year thought it was just hysterical when Hillary called the same percentage of Americans "deplorable" -- go look up that word and explain to me how a Presidential candidate could use that term on her own people and how that was laughed off with the arrogance of a party who was oh so confident they'd be rolling over the little people on election day. Maybe the left wing should wake up and realize they are the ones who have become the party of the wealthy elite (and a big % of the ignorant poor who still believe their lies) and their opponents have become the party of the working class. But probably not. So forgive my sports metaphors, but try to understand why I and so many other despise your hand-picked candidate and all that her supporters had to say during the campaign.
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