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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. Belichick overthought it once they got the too many men penalty; NE is a passing team, they should have spread everyone out and let Brady find the open guy in the end zone on 4th down. And yes, total OPI on Gronk.
  2. That was bad.
  3. I've seen that posted a number of times on Facebook so far. Unbelievable.
  4. I'm not in any way defending Ozy here, but this board is left alone by mods because it's understood adults shouldn't need Big Brother to dictate what is 'reasonable' discussion. Over its history this board has done a really good job of beating true idiots into submission, regardless of their politics.
  5. Does this mean from now on after bad rulings people will post "Just die Ginsburg" like they used to after a bad Bills' loss?
  6. Thank you for serving and be well!
  7. No way, no how any of those liberal justices retires with Trump in office.
  8. You mean just like they did in 2012, 2008, 1996 and 1992? They sure were; liberals had more champagne iced than last year's Golden State Warriors. Smug, venom-spewing a--holes like Colbert and Madcow had their election 'special' shows all queued up and ready to go for the big self-congratulatory party. At least Bill Maher was smart enough to schedule his for a few days later in case he needed to switch into 'woe is us' mode.
  9. IMO he'll almost certainly get that. $12.5 would tie him with Jenkins for 7th on the list. I think that's just about where he'll land.
  10. Yup...seen a couple comparisons to or 'worst day since' 9/11 posts. People are just nucking futs.
  11. Forgive them, after Obama they no longer recognize there's a difference between campaigning and governing.
  12. Isn't that basically what she does in her efforts to be famous?
  13. Exactly, remember all the riots when Bill Clinton beat a popular President Bush and all the white supremacist demonstrations when Obama was elected!
  14. I think this relatively insignificant person is still trying to make herself noticed, just like she's done (largely unsuccessfully) since the moment she appeared on Trump's TV show many years ago. I don't care what Kim Kardashian thinks either.
  15. I know primarily liberals and most of them are completely off the rails. Frankly, it's kind of frightening. But it's fascinating to watch the echo chamber effect at work.
  16. So the real question is....did the GOP just maintain turnout better than the Dems, or did turnout go down across the board but Trump converted blue collar Dem voters?
  17. Oh he's totally nuts. He's the guy who take me shooting when we go down to the desert; always a good time.
  18. Now that I think about it, for a short while there I was getting a lot of my sports news from The National. Who remembers that publication? Great collection of writers.
  19. My favorite thing in the USA Today was the special section the Monday before the NCAA tournament started; it was 8 pages (with ads) and included a capsule on each team with stats, lineups and a 2-3 sentence summary. I won multiple tourney pools by pouring over that section for 2 days. I also remember the Monday section during football season had game recaps from the previous day; that was primary source of Bills info during the season; at least until I found gobills.com p.s. Flutie > RJ
  20. My wife's cousin is a chef and he said it did too.
  21. Gov't can't get out of the marriage business unless we're going to completely change the basic foundations of the tax code. Now THAT would be something worthwhile to tackle which I'd be all fired up to support. Eliminate all income taxes. On abortion, there's no question it's murder of convenience (at least for anyone who's even slightly honest with themselves), but it's still a settled issue. Nothing could hand it all back to the left faster than trying to take that on as a Constitutional amendment. Restoration of fiscal sanity. Social change comes from gradual evolution in the minds of the people. Politicians have always and will always be lagging indicators on social change.
  22. Our conversation started a few weeks back when she came home from school and declared "Trump is evil" (thanks to the idiot Marin County parents who I described above), so I had to explain to her that no, Trump wasn't evil he just has different idiots than Hillary. btw, have you guys read 'Grace for President'? Good book that deals with the "what do you mean there's never been a girl President' question. It also explains the Electoral College very well. It should be required reading for whiny liberals who are busy signing petitions today about it.
  23. You're treading on fragile ground here. Yes there are places that need to be protected from left wing activists, but where this 'culture war' conversation usually goes is to two areas that are quicksand for Republicans: 1) Abortion -- it's a settled issue and has been for decades. Swing voters are not interested in outlawing abortion. Let it go. 2) Gay rights/marriage -- America is no longer spooked by homosexuality. Any attempt to restrict homosexuals from doing what heterosexuals can do (specifically, get married), is a bad idea that will only continue to provide ammo for the left. I get the frustration with the 'bakery is being sued because they didn't want to bake a gay wedding cake' stories and all the phony bull-- about what bathroom to use in NC, but much of that is noise and much of it can be erased with a stroke of the pen once Obama is gone.
  24. Can someone explain to me when exactly Trump said he was going to outlaw homosexuality?
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