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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. DeBlahblahblah is minting new Trump voters in the states that matter every time he opens his mouth.
  2. The ones government forces the banks to issue under the threat of being deemed racist.
  3. What a ridiculous load of crap. The TDS is so strong these people would literally rather see soaring death rates than have to admit the worst may be over. p.s. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we hunted down and publicly executed every person who ever used the word "weaponize" in a political context.
  4. Private company asks/bribes government official for taxpayer cash. Government official hands it over. And you have a big problem with cough, cough....the private company.
  5. I didn't realize he'd been in the league for 5 years. There isn't much of a track record but what there is over the last year or so (since someone decided to give him a shot) is pretty good. He was a beast down the stretch last year. I wonder how much he's asking for; I'm sure SF is up against the cap but presumably they could squeeze out a little extra money for their best back.
  6. Seriously....you're a newbie and you're only 5k behind me! Clearly I've been spending way too much time at work and with family!
  7. I'm sure you speak from a deep history of personal experience. As for private corporations, why wouldn't I have left them out? They can do whatever they wish with their own money.
  8. How'd I get 11k behind??
  9. .....and the Bills are doomed because of their backup QB situation. Happy 50k to the #realJoeSixPack
  10. Large corporations (public ones) are held to an even higher standard, which they take great pains (and expense) to adhere to 99.9% of the time.
  11. Just hang on while we fetch a rich, white American to explain why you're wrong and should be deeply offended. Or just look at you as though you said they were Martians. Egyptians identify heavily with the combination of their nationality and their religion (Copts vs Muslims), and not at all with their continent.
  12. Now that that has been taken care of, hopefully we can get a backup QB thread going.
  13. Yup.....and make sure it’s one you like because you’ll be wearing it forever!
  14. I had to do that once in NYC. Work went till midnight so I got a hotel room nearby, toiletries kit and underwear at Duane Reade, and hit BB for a shirt the next morning. Wore it right out of the store! What kind of job? In the old days you couldn’t overdress for an interview, but you can these days.
  15. I've been a long time that I'm waiting Been a long that I'm blown I've been a long time that I've wandered Through the people I have known Oh, if you would and you could Straighten my new mind's eye.
  16. Sign of the times that this wasn’t mentioned until page 3. I need to plan a Blues Brothers viewing.
  17. Zero since I left CT and the Metro-North commute w/ all the IBs.
  18. Hardly....the statement is more like a way to close the book on it.
  19. It followed the 60s. I'll start the HBO series this weekend, but from reading about the case when he was arrested it's pretty clear this dude was/is seriously disturbed. Seems like his crimes got more bizarre and more violent over time, as if the thrill of it kept wearing off so he kept upping the ante until he was just killing people.
  20. People getting upset about some test Trump took 60 years ago is the funniest thing I've heard all day. Thanks!
  21. My guess is that Jews have long since gotten used to no one doing anything about this type of stuff. Career ending if you say it about certain groups, virtually ignored if you say it about Jews. Jackson cut? Don't make me laugh.
  22. I think this should serve as the official 'Karen' thread. I love this *****....and I actually know this one that is blowing up today in CA. She's a hateful witch who deserves every bit of what she's getting. https://www.comicsands.com/park-ranger-karen-racism-asian--2646352812.html
  23. Actually, no, wrong. But no surprise you are too ignorant to even understand the governmental system of the country you've lived your entire life. You're seriously recycling this golden oldie?? What is this, 2017?? This thread is a gem!
  24. While the music played, you worked by candlelight Those San Francisco nights You were the best in town Just by chance you crossed the diamond with the pearl You turned it on the world That's when you turned the world around (Did you feel like Jesus?) Did you realize That you were a champion in their eyes? On the hill the stuff was laced with kerosene But yours was kitchen-clean Everyone stopped to stare at your technicolor motor home Every A-Frame had your number on the wall You must have had it all You'd go to L.A. on a dare and you'd go it alone (Could you live forever?) Could you see the day? Could you feel your whole world fall apart and fade away? Now your patrons have all left you in the red Your low-rent friends are dead This life can be very strange All those day-glo freaks who used to paint the face They've joined the human race Some things will never change (Son, you were mistaken) You are obsolete Look at all the white men on the street Clean this mess up else we'll all end up in jail Those test-tubes and the scale Just get it all out of here Is there gas in the car? Yes, there's gas in the car I think the people down the hall know who you are 'Cause the man is wise You are still an outlaw in their eyes
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