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KD in CA

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Everything posted by KD in CA

  1. LOL....this will be our first Thanksgiving in CA after spending the last several dozen in classic New England fashion; we're having my MIL and my aunt/uncle who are awesome but politically make Bernie Sanders look like Barry Goldwater and have absolutely no sense of humor about the topic. I suspect we'll at least touch on the horror of the election before we move on to other matters.
  2. Oh...were they playing a Bob Marley song?
  3. If you're making margaritas, sure. Otherwise I'd prefer it neat.
  4. I had the electrician do mine the same way. Of course you gotta shut off all your circuits before firing up the generator and turn them back on one at a time but the whole process takes less than five minutes and you've got your whole house up and running.
  5. This has baffled me for the last 10-15 years.
  6. If I could change one thing about the NFL (other than abolishing replay), I'd cut PI and defensive holding calls by 50%.
  7. That last head-on replay was interesting; I wish they'd slow that down as it's possible he was out of bounds with the right foot.
  8. That's what makes it worse, it wasn't inadvertent. What is it with bad officiating and MNF?
  9. I want the Raiders -- what a fun, young team. I'm all over this bandwagon. p.s. That might be the first time I've ever heard the Mexican National Anthem.
  10. I bought a B&S 5500 watt gas generator about five years ago and it has seen us through multiple power outages -- including a six day outage after hurricane Sandy. About the only thing we didn't use was the washer/drier but it handled everything else (including heat and well pump). I needed to refill it slightly more than once a day.
  11. Great...a heroic push to 9-7. That'll get everyone geared up for 2017!
  12. Julio would have been nice. if only God had told Stevie to use some stick 'em in OT against the Steelers.
  13. Or a hotel room. His crusade is reaching such a bizarre level and responses so lacking in any logic I'm starting to wonder if he's just trolling now. Either that or he's heavily invested in cab medallions.
  14. I'd cut my family out for that too. At least for a while - you can always apologize later.
  15. Closer to Hitler's line of thinking? What, we now rank people on a 0-100 Hitler scale?
  16. Not at all like those friendly, honest, clean-cut drivers used by the local taxi company.
  17. A service that consumers utilize over a million times every day is an 'idea that requires further study'? This just in, the study is going really well.
  18. That it's fun to burn ****?
  19. NFL Europe was still the minors. The path to foreign exposure is to have foreign based NFL teams; hence the London experiment -- where they draw double the crowd as in Jacksonville. I think there's a real chance they move to London in the next five years. In the same way, the NFL would have been happy to have the Bills in Toronto if they had found a deep pocket buyer with that plan.
  20. What do you mean? 'OMG, Trump is the REAL crook!!!' is total fair, unbiased and 100% factually accurate.
  21. That's great, except you don't actually have any data for 99.9999% of the pertinent time frame. Assumptions piled on top of more assumptions (multiplied by political agenda) doesn't = data. But good internet meme.
  22. Because the data knows what constitutes 'normal fluctuations' of a couple decades within a data set of several billion years? Yeah, ok. Do the people who get scared get paid too or is gullibility the reward?
  23. Yikes Huffington Post? I suppose Salon.com and Vox are also on the 'major news outlet' list. But the best part is the comparison of the leading 'fake' stories vs the leading 'major news outlet' (aka 'real') stories in this link. https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/viral-fake-election-news-outperformed-real-news-on-facebook?utm_term=.qkv9NJgvN5#.wdEO6LvK6a
  24. Muslims despising Christians? Whoever could have predicted that!!
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